P6/7’s week

This week we had a visit from a lady representing the SSPCA. She told us about cruelty towards animals and the different ways we can keep them safe. If you ever see an animal in danger, please call their help line.

I enjoyed looking at the different tools that are used.


We saw films highlighting cruelty towards animals and we had to decide how to save them.


We are well into our new space topic and had a very interesting discussion about why we didn’t fall off the Earth and if we were able to stand on a cloud!

Over the next few weeks we will be writing to NASA and learning about Neil Armstrong.

We went to Church to mark the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday. We are collecting spare change in our wee box in the classroom.

Tomorrow, the P7’s are visiting St Kent’s for the Numeracy day. We must wear shirt and tie.

Just a reminder that the P7 camp meeting is next Monday, 17th, at 6pm.

4 thoughts on “P6/7’s week”

  1. So Ola, why do we not fall off the earth? I have always wondered what the answer to that is??

  2. it’s very sad to see people being very cruel too animals and I hope this stops very soon it’s not very nice for people to be cruel to animals

  3. it was really fun to learn all about space and about Neil Armstrong thank you Miss Glencorse for teaching us this topic 🙂

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