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P6 Basketball and Hockey Tournement

On Thursday 17th of March, P6 took part in their cluster Basketball and Hockey Tournament with Balbardie, Simpsons and Boghall Primary School. The children were split into teams and played several games of each throughout the morning, playing against a variety of different teams.

At the end of the morning the children were told the results and team Murrayfield 2 won Silver for the Basketball!!! Miss Moir was thrilled to bits for them. We also were given a certificate for taking part 🙂 and having lots of fun.

The children were a credit to Murrayfield Primary School and had a fantastic morning.

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P6 and P7 Topic Box-WW2

On Tuesday 15th of March P6 and P7 were visited by a fantastic topic box for WW2. The children were given an excellent talk from Maureen who talked about rationing, evacuees and some real life people living during the 1940’s. The children got to look at and touch different items and see a real wireless which was very interesting. The children were particularly shocked by the rationing and the amount of chocolate you were allowed a week! Miss Moir wouldn’t cope 🙂

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P6 Transition Hockey and Basketball Festival

A reminder that the P6 Hockey and Basketball Festival is taking place tomorrow (Thursday 17th) at Bathgate Academy.

Your child should bring a snack and a drink with them as we will not be back to school until just before lunchtime.

Children are allowed to come to school in their PE kit for the event, ie. tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt and trainers.  We do ask that they wear their school polo-shirt or school jumper.

If you have not already done so, can you please ensure you return the completed EE2 form tomorrow morning.  We are unable to take children off school premises without this documentation.  We will be leaving school at 9.15 sharp.

Miss Preston and Miss Moir

What have P5 been up to?

We are enjoying our topic on Wallace and Bruce and P5 found the Battle of Stirling bridge very interesting. They had to write a letter to their families informing them that they have decided to join Wallace’s cause.

P5 are working on their enterprise. It is a Easter enterprise!!

They had great fun with Mrs. Walker baking and making lovely Easter treats! These will be available from next week. 50p each.

There will also be a Easter Raffle with the chance to win a beautiful Easter Bunny. 20p a ticket or £1 for a strip.

P7/6 Update


This week in P7/6 we have been …

  • problem solving with Miss Akram
    • “it was hard and it gave you a challenge”  Amyleigh
    • “it was really difficult, but some people got it in the end” Aaron W
  • researching all about the WWII Generals
    • “it was interesting learning about the leaders, when they were born etc” Abbie H
    • “we got to find out what they were really like, some were not what you thought they were” Eva
    • “Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the USA” Jacob
    • “Roosevelt was stuck down by a cerebral hemorrhage” Aiden C
    • Surprising facts we discovered! …. 
    • “I found out that Hilter got temporarily blinded by mustard gas”  Aaron A
    • “Stalin wanted scientists to make a half man/half ape hybrid” Eva
    • “Hitler killed his own family and then killed himself”  Rachel
  • having PE with Miss Moir’s class in preparation for next week’s Inter-school Hockey/Basketball Tournament
  • using our imagination and knowledge of WWII evacuees to write a letter home as a child who has been evacuated.  We came up with some fantastic adjectives to describe how the children might have felt; some of the best were: woeful (Logan), apprehensive (Jacob), dreadful (Rachel), sorrowful (Abbie H), downtrodden (Caiden), anxious (Aiden C), depressed (Aaron W), terrified (Anthony/Aiden McC), petrified (Joshua/Bailey) …… Our next step is to include this standard of adjectives into ALL our written tasks!
  • continuing to learn some Spanish in class!  We are learning how to ask/reply to basic questions about ourselves, we are becoming pretty great at counting up to 12 and playing Killer 12 in Spanish! 🙂
    • “I am enjoying learning Spanish” Joshua
    • “It’s tricky but once we get the hang of it it’s fun” Abbie H
  • learning about the formation of the English language too!  Following on from our Spanish lesson the children were interested to find out and question the English language … They decided that thinking about all the different rules was ‘melting our brains’ 🙂 🙂
  • continuing with our long multiplication and moved onto division.
    • “I’m finding multiplication a little tricky”  Logan 
    • “I’m getting much better at it and I am enjoying it” Rachel
    • “I’m finding my maths a little challenging”  Abby R

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

From Miss Preston, Miss Akram and P7/6


Friday 18th March 2016

Jammie Jog


To help raise funds for Sport Relief and the organisations they support, we will be having a wear your jammies /onesies to school event on Friday 18th March.  As there is a sporting and health and fitness aspect to this fundraising event we will also being walking/jogging for a mile.  Please wear your jammies/onesies to school and bring £2.00 to help with this fundraising event.

Thank you.

Primary 2A

What have been learning?

We have been learning how to use a ruler to measure – Alex

We have been adding to 20 – Jack

We were problem solving using the solve it blocks – Jana

We were problem solving using Smart board – Alex

We were writing about “My Lost Toy” – Warren

We were practising our balancing on the balancing board for gym – Freya

We have been using instruments in music with Mrs Stewart – Jack

In Early Intervention we were learning the igh sound – Sara

We were learning the ng sound – Warren

We have been collecting lots of Fairtrade lables this week and sticking them on our letters to spell FAIRTRADE.

We have been designing book tokens for a competition – Payton

The Skillionaires this week were Jana and Ross – well done!

P6 Trip to Edinburgh :)

Hi everyone,

P6 had a wonderful day in Edinburgh yesterday as part of their WW2 topic. We visited Edinburgh castle and took part in a WW2 experience and then where taken on a short tour of the Scots Guard. The WW2 experience allowed the children to try on authentic clothing from the 40’s, learn about 4 people who lived during the war and explore the different objects, toys and general equipment people used. It was really good fun and the children learned a lot about what life was like during WW2.

We then headed down The Royal Mile to Chamber Street Museum where we went to the Lego exhibit. The children played with some Lego, saw the fantastic models and watched someone build a replica of the museum. He reckoned it would take around 80,000 Lego bricks to build it! Wow!

A fabby day was had by all…here are some photos to see for yourselves 🙂



The Bard would be proud!

Congratulations to all our pupils who represented the school at the recent WL Burns’ Federation competition, at St Kentigern’s Academy on the 1st March!

Kirstin Sutherland – P4/5 Poetry
Dean Robertson – P4/5 Poetry
Walker Robertson – P6/7 Poetry
Ellie Chapman – P4/5 Solo Singing
Skyeblue McFarlane – P4/5 Solo Singing
Abbie Heaney – P6/7 Solo Singing
Summer Harkison – P6/7 Solo Singing
Neve McMillan – P4/5 Solo Instrument – Piano
Alyx Bonnes – P6/7 Solo Instrument – Guitar
Sophie Chapman – P6/7 Solo Instrument – Violin

The competition was of a very high standard and all the children performed with confidence and enthusiasm, in front of a very large audience. They each received a certificate in recognition of their participation in the event. In addition, Alyx was runner-up in the P6/7 instrumental section, winning a medal. Sophie and Neve won their respective sections, receiving trophies for their efforts, as well as a place in the National Finals to take place in Edinburgh, in May!
We are so proud of all their efforts, both in preparation for the competition and on the evening.
Well done to you all! 🙂