P7/6 Update


This week in P7/6 we have been …

  • problem solving with Miss Akram
    • “it was hard and it gave you a challenge”  Amyleigh
    • “it was really difficult, but some people got it in the end” Aaron W
  • researching all about the WWII Generals
    • “it was interesting learning about the leaders, when they were born etc” Abbie H
    • “we got to find out what they were really like, some were not what you thought they were” Eva
    • “Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the USA” Jacob
    • “Roosevelt was stuck down by a cerebral hemorrhage” Aiden C
    • Surprising facts we discovered! …. 
    • “I found out that Hilter got temporarily blinded by mustard gas”  Aaron A
    • “Stalin wanted scientists to make a half man/half ape hybrid” Eva
    • “Hitler killed his own family and then killed himself”  Rachel
  • having PE with Miss Moir’s class in preparation for next week’s Inter-school Hockey/Basketball Tournament
  • using our imagination and knowledge of WWII evacuees to write a letter home as a child who has been evacuated.  We came up with some fantastic adjectives to describe how the children might have felt; some of the best were: woeful (Logan), apprehensive (Jacob), dreadful (Rachel), sorrowful (Abbie H), downtrodden (Caiden), anxious (Aiden C), depressed (Aaron W), terrified (Anthony/Aiden McC), petrified (Joshua/Bailey) …… Our next step is to include this standard of adjectives into ALL our written tasks!
  • continuing to learn some Spanish in class!  We are learning how to ask/reply to basic questions about ourselves, we are becoming pretty great at counting up to 12 and playing Killer 12 in Spanish! 🙂
    • “I am enjoying learning Spanish” Joshua
    • “It’s tricky but once we get the hang of it it’s fun” Abbie H
  • learning about the formation of the English language too!  Following on from our Spanish lesson the children were interested to find out and question the English language … They decided that thinking about all the different rules was ‘melting our brains’ 🙂 🙂
  • continuing with our long multiplication and moved onto division.
    • “I’m finding multiplication a little tricky”  Logan 
    • “I’m getting much better at it and I am enjoying it” Rachel
    • “I’m finding my maths a little challenging”  Abby R

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

From Miss Preston, Miss Akram and P7/6

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