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News from P2A …winning class!

happy P2A
happy P2A


We did Fischy music this week – Callen

We wrote butterfly poems this week – Jack

Some of us got Headteachers Awards for our poems – well done to Sara & Lilianna, Jana & Freya and Jack & Eva.

We did the static electricity experiment with a paper butterfly – Sara

static electricity lifted the butterflys wings
static electricity lifted the butterflys wings

We were pretending to be bees to pollinate the flowers – Brogan

learning about poliination
learning about pollination

We watched video clips with Miss Akram about feelings – Jack

We have really enjoyed learning about minibeasts

working in the lab
working in the lab

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P2A June 2016 008


huge spider!!
huge spider!!

Well done to the skillionaires this week – Ross and Payton

Fischy Music @ Murrayfield PS!

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We had a great time today when Fischy Music came to visit! The P5 and P6 pupils had workshops in the morning, learning some of the songs and being creative with Stephen and Margaret. In the afternoon the whole school were able to join in the fun. We sang songs old and new, thought about feelings and had fun. Thank you Fischy Music for helping us to discover how we can deal with our feelings and for making us happy.

Celebrating Awesome homework

A very BIG THANK YOU to all the children (and parents) in P5 who completed the homework challenge. The standard was exceptional and the children were so proud to showcase this to their peers but also some very curious visitors (pupils and teachers) from other classes. We had some very inventive ways of using recyclable materials demonstrated in most of the projects.

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P1W 17.06.16

Sports Day!!!!!!

Wow what a morning!! Lots of fun and good team work in P1W.  Its was really lovely to see a brilliant team spirit and for the children to be cheering for each other.  Thank you to all the mums, dads and grandparents who came to see us and cheer us on!  Here are some pictures of our winners.  Melanie and McKenzii winning 1st place in the girl and boy running races.  Rhian and Alfie came in 2nd place.  Leah and William came in 3rd place. ! Well done to Bruce, the green house for having the most points overall!! A big well done to all of P1W for superb effort this morning!


Murrayfield Primary and Nursery Gala Float

A huge big thank you to our small but very dedicated team of pupils, parents and staff who have helped to design, draw and paint backdrops, characters and signs for our Gala float and to those who were able to lend a hand to decorate the float this afternoon.  Approximately 4 1/2 hours later we finished up and we think the float looks great, we hope you will all agree!  We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in the morning for the crowning ceremony and then for the parade.  Until then, here’s a little sneaky peek at our float…



This week in P5

We have:

  •  done research as partnerships on some of the major organs and being healthy and relayed this information back to our peers.
  • worked on poetry and wrote some great poems.
  • completed our skeletons with all their organs and labeled all the parts.
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  • worked with P4 to learn some Scottish country dance steps. Mrs. Sneddon did really well.

Well done to Abbie Sneddon for participating at Blackburns got talent and receiving your medal and certificate.


Well done to Skyeblue McFarlane for competing in the bicycle race and the quiz team and receiving your medal and trophy.


Well done to Lara for achieving level 6 in gymnastics. R0014254