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Annual Choir trip to Tesco!

Just a reminder that the choir are heading to Tesco this Thursday morning (8th Dec), to bring  a little festive cheer to the staff and shoppers. They will be singing from about 9.45 onwards and any monies collected will be given Tesco’s chosen charities. We would love to see friends and family there to support us so please join us if you can!

Tomorrow evening (Wednesday), as you all know, is the Christmas Fair. The choir will be there to welcome you with some festive tunes and get you in the mood for Christmas!

We hope to see you all there! 🙂

p5/4 Time games

As you know, we have been focussing on time for our class maths this term.

The children have really enjoyed completing a variety of practical activities as well as worksheets, games and textbook work.  In order to continue this learning at home, I have included a variety of time games for the children to practice at home.  Please note that some of these games may not be suitable for playing on a tablet as they require flash.


If you have any questions on how to support your child, please let me know,

Many thanks,

Mrs V

p5/4 highlights

Neve – We were writing a set of instructions.  This was quite tricky because we had to make sure we remembered everything and didn’t miss out any important parts.

Brooke – I enjoyed maths this week.  We were counting on and back in 10’s and 100’s and I found this quite easy.

Zander – I liked counting on in 10’s and playing the games to help us.

Ryan – Counting backwards was really tricky to start with then it got easier as I thought about it and kept doing it.

Anna – In PE with Mr Richards this week we were learning to play badminton.  Some of the tasks were easy (the warm up) but some were quite hard. (returning the shuttlecock to our partners)

Jack – We also did the bleep test in PE.  This was really fun!

Christopher – Maths started off really tricky this week when we were adding two and three digit numbers mentally.  It was easier on Wednesday when we went back to add only two digit numbers to remind us of the strategies we could use to support us.  I think adding two and three digit numbers will be easier now.

Kirstin – I loved making the Candy Cane Reindeers for the Christmas fair.  It was really easy as we had already written the instructions for how to make them so we just had fun actually making them after that.

Scott – I still really like handwriting lessons.  It helps me to use cursive handwriting in my other work, not just in handwriting lessons.



Congratulations to this weeks raffle winners:

Pink chair – Josh

Prize box prize – Jay and Farla

Sitting in Mrs Vince’s chair – Ryan

Sitting beside Mrs Vince at assembly – Anton

Sitting beside a friend for one lesson – Esme



A gentle reminder that homework is given out on a Monday and should be returned, fully completed on a Thursday.  Please ask your child to go over their tasks to ensure everything is completed fully.

This week’s maths homework is to go onto SUMDOG on the internet – all children have their usernames and passwords sleotaped into their homework jotters.

Big Talk homework this week is to look at an article in a magazine and to compare it to one in a newspaper.  Is the language different or the same?  If every child could bring in an article from a magazine, this would be extremely helpful.


Have a great weekend,


Mrs V

P7 Artwork and Space Presentations

Primary 7 were given mini topic to complete while I was out of class last week….and the standard of these presentations was excellent!

The class also worked on some beautiful paintings inspired by Vincent Van Gogh, which they planned themselves. They thought about colour, texture and brushstrokes to keep their paintings looking similar while taking their time to keep their artwork neat and tidy.

Have a look at the wonderful images and the presentations.

Well done P7

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kyle-ben-and-brennan planets




P7 visit P1S

Four P7 pupils joined P1S on Thursday. As well as working on their ‘Space’ PowerPoint, they led some games with the pupils in P1S. It was lots of fun and I was delighted with the confidence and leadership skills that Walker, Aaron, Rachel and Caitlin displayed. Thank you P7! The P1 pupils enjoyed playing the games by following the rules, taking turns and listening to one another.

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Get Caught Reading! challenge @ Murrayfield PS for Book Week Scotland

Congratulations to everyone who entered our Get Caught Reading! challenge. The pictures are displayed on our Get caught Reading! display and on the LCD.

Our pupils and staff were caught reading on trampolines, broomsticks, ponies, sun loungers and even at the swimming pool!

Prizes and certificates were awarded at today’s assembly to Lyle, Carra, Eryn, Zoe, Jaxon, Kirstin and Melanie.

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Just a little note from Miss Moir

Hello Everyone,

As you may well have known I was away at a course from Tuesday to Thursday. When I came back to class on Friday I was truelly overwhelmed by the amount of staff who came to me to praise my class. The Primary 7’s were split into different classes to complete a mini topic on Space and to create a presentation to show me on my return, and every single member of my class were a credit to themselves as well as the school. Their behaviour was impeccable, and they all worked very well together on their presentations. I had no doubts that they would be great, as they work so hard in class and are a very conscientious group. But, to hear it from other members of the staff was just lovely.

I really just wanted to say a huge big thank you to my class for just being them. They are such a wonderful, lovely and caring bunch. I felt that although I can give them praise in class and rewards, sometimes something written down truelly shows how proud I am of them.

Well done Primary 7! Let’s keep this up and continue to have a wonderful year together.

Miss Moir



This week in P5

  • We have been experimenting with changes of state and had a go at making ice cream – lets just say everyone had a blast.
  • We are working hard on our Netball skills in PE.
  • We have been working with time, reading analogue and digital time.
  • We looked at time tables and how we would use the information on these.
  • We looked at serious crime vs petty crime.

Enjoy the weekend.

News from Primary 2F

What have we been learning this week?

We were learning how to take away with money – Kailli

We were practising writing t, l and i – William

Some of us have been doing subtraction with bigger numbers in our green jotters – Cameron

We have been reading new books – Alfie

and answering questions on our books – William

We were writing about A Trip on a Submarine – Kailli

We have started learning the songs for The Innkeepers Breakfast – Rhian

The Narrators have been practising their words – William

We learned about shells – Razor shells and Clam shells – Jack

Mussel shells – McKenzii

We looked at a dead seahorse – Alfie

We looked at real sea urchins – Jack







Have a lovely weekend , stay warm 🙂




P5/4 Indoor shoes and PE kit.

Good evening parents/carers,

I have noticed this week that quite a few of the children’s indoor shoes are becoming unsafe due to velcro no longer sticking or rubber coming away.  This Friday (25th November) I will be sending all indoor shoes home to be checked for size and/or safety by parents and carers.  Please ensure that the shoes are either replaced or returned on the Monday.

Many of the children still do not have both an indoor and outdoor P.E. kit.  I would really appreciate if children could be provided with shorts and t-shirt for indoor P.E. and leggings or tracksuit bottoms as well as a jumper or tracksuit top for outdoor P.E.  With the colder weather now here to stay for the foreseeable future I don’t want any of the children to get a chill while taking part in outdoor activities.

Many thanks for your support in this matter,

Mrs Vince