All posts by Miss Moir

P6 Enterprise

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 6 are starting their class enterprise business through “make it grow,” by selling small decorated stockings filled with sweets for £2 in school. The money raised will go towards something for the class at the end of the school year.

Primary 6 will come round the classes with the stockings until the end of term for anyone interested. The children of primary 6 will make as many as they can but stocks will be limited due to time and cost at this busy time of the year.

Thank you for your continued support,

Primary 6 and Miss Moir

Here are some images of our finished product 🙂

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P6 News

P6 had the opportunity to visit Peat Moss this week and explore the bog, linking to their previous topic of climate change. The class went out in the morning and investigated ph levels of the soil and water in the bog and explored an area of the bog for living things.

After lunch the children went back to the bog to clear some small trees and any litter that was lying on the ground. The class were very lucky as the weather was dry and even a little sunny throughout the day 🙂

Here are some pictures to show how much fun they had.

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News from p6

It’s been a busy week in P6 while the boys and girls have been at camp. We have missed them all and are looking forward to seeing them back on Monday 🙂

We have completed some fantastic artwork through a mini masterclass on Andy Warhol and went out on a leaf walk through the community and Peat Moss. The boys and girls collected lots of gorgeous leaves and created some leaf art with their friends back in class.

Here are some photos of our week of fun!

From Miss Moir and P6

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P6 Wig Walk!

On Friday 25th September 2015, Murrayfield Primary School took part in a Wig Walk to end Walking Week. The children went out for a community walk on Wednesday and then wore their wigs around the community on Friday. The children ended their walk near the skatepark where they had a chance to run around and play some games.

The children had a great time and really enjoyed wearing their colurful wigs 🙂

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P6 Class News!


Pizza Fractions


Class Clocks


Hi Everyone,

Since the beginning of term we have been very busy creating a fun filled classroom with lots of lovely colourful displays.

We have also been looking at our new topic, Climate Change, learning about Fractions and looking at Kandinsky art work. Next week we will be working together to create a class frieze through our topic which will be displayed in the corridor. Watch this space…

P6 have also been doing some french writing and learning how to work together through P.E and Health and Wellbeing. P6 and p6/7 worked together outside to complete an Alpha hunt, where they had to find something for every letter of the alphabet in the playground, garden etc. This was great fun and the children really enjoyed working in pairs to find everything. Well done to Ryan, Naomi, Shannon and Amy-Leigh.

Here are some more pictures of our displays in class so far.

Have a great weekend!

From p6


Class Charter


Kandinsky Artwork






String Sounds


On Monday 31st August the school had the wonderful opportunity to listen to a trio of musicians known as String Sounds.

String Sound

“United by a passion to engage new audiences with classical music, StringSound (violin, cello and double bass) combine their expertise and creativity to devise concerts that will excite, delight, and ignite the imagination of little listeners.”

The children thoroughly enjoyed listening to a selection of folk music from around the world and participating in a few active games which were fun and entertaining.

All P6 children were then chosen to take part in a mini workshop, were they listened to more music and even managed to try out a few of the instruments. The double bass proved very popular.

Take a look at the photos. The children had great fun!!

Miss Moir



P6 Newsletter

Good Morning Parents and Carers of P6 pupils,


We have had a fantastic start to school and are looking forward to the year ahead. We have had fun painting, writing, completing some numeracy tasks and completed a mini project that linked with our class charter.


Here is our newsletter. Have a read to find out about more fun things with p6!

p6 Newsletter 1

Cross Country

006014001                                                  Yesterday some P6 boys and girls took part in their cluster Cross Country at Balbardie Park near the sports centre.

They had a fantastic morning (despite in being a little chilly) with some amazing results.

Emma Parker (p6) came third out of all the girls and

Josh McCulloch (p6/7) came second out of all the boys! I am very proud of you both. Well done!!

Over all both boys and girls team of Murrayfield came third which was also an excellent result and I could not have been happier for them. Well done everyone. You were a credit to youselves as well as to Murrayfield.

Miss Moir