Category Archives: News

Pupil Council Learning Walk … Take 2!

Today our Pupil Council went along to Addiewell Primary School, along with Woodmuir Primary to continue our Cluster Learning Walks. The Pupil Council gave us a presentation about their school and showed us a video.

We asked the Pupil Council some questions about their school:

  • What IDL topics are you learning about?
  • How do you use digital technologies in your school?
  • What kind of outdoor learning do you have?
  • What is your school motto and values?
  • What type of whole school events does your school have?

We also asked Mrs MacMillan, their Principal Teacher some questions about her job:

  • What is your favourite part of your job?
  • What are you most proud of in your school?
  • How do you deal with behaviour in your school?
  • How do you plan your assemblies?

There were lots of things that we found interesting about Addiewell Primary:

  • Together Time
  • How they eat their snack together
  • Wheelie Wednesdays
  • Improvements they had made in their playground
  • Their school motto
  • Everyone was very friendly
  • Cozy Corners in their classrooms
  • Their movie models in P5/6/7
  • That it was a combined school with St. Thomas Primary

Thank you to Charley, Jessica-Lee and Ryan for being our tour guides and answering our questions.

Crystal Grotto at Jupiter Artland P2/3

P2/3 visited the artwork entitled The Light Pours Out of Me at Jupiter Artland. They were using their senses to describe the artwork and they talked about the artist and the other senses she uses in her art such as the taste of her chocolate room!

Back in class they solved a design challenge to create an amethyst grotto as a class display. They made artworks with salt crystals and shades of purple acrylic paint. They also used triangles to make a geometric design. They used paint but also an Art app called Art Set. This can be downloaded free.

We learnt new words for purple such as mauve, periwinkle and magenta.

We also saw a smooth shiny material called obsidian. Can you find out more about this glass-like rock? can you find out more about the artist who made the huge grotto. What is her name? What other sculptures has she made?

West Lothian SumDog Competition

P1-7 have been entered to take part in West Lothian’s latest Sumdog contest. This runs from 10-16th March and can be played at both home and at school using the SumDog website or app. All pupils should have their SumDog log in their homework diary/ book.

The children have to answer 1000 questions and their score is based on accuracy, not speed or winning games. There are also prizes to be won and certificates will be given out at Assembly for those children in the top 50 from across West Lothian.

Good luck everyone!

PSA Family Bingo Night

On Friday night, the PSA held their first Family Bingo Night. It was a huge success, with a fun evening of games, prizes and lots of laughs for the whole family. The bingo night raised the fantastic amount of £429 which will be added onto our playground fund. A big thank you to everyone who supported the evening, and to the PSA for organising another fun event for everyone to enjoy.

Magical Mediators receive WL Stellar Award!

On Friday afternoon the Magical Mediators and their parents/ carers were invited along to the West Lothian Stellar Awards at Howden Park Centre where they received the winning award for Responsible Citizens.

The information below details why these group of pupils were nominated for the award and the impact they have had on the school and themselves. A big Congratulations to all the Magical Mediators for this huge achievement, we are very proud of them.

  • How the outcome was achieved, were there barriers, new ideas, teamwork etc.

Over two years as a Senior Management Team we recognised that we were having ongoing issues in the playground. As part of a way to address the issues we introduced Responsible Roles for Primary 7 pupils which included:

  • Playful Pals: They have the responsibility of teaching younger pupils playground games, looking after the playground equipment and ensuring children are not on their own at break and lunch times.
  • Safe Security: They have the responsibility of ensuring the playground area and toilets areas safe and pupils are using the facilities responsibility.
  • Magical Mediators: They operate a peer mediation programme which helps pupils solve disputes in the playground through a coaching programme.

The Primary 7 pupils filled out an application form and were allocated a role depending on their knowledge, skills and qualities, they then underwent training for their specific role.

  • Who was involved/ affected – those involved, those supporting, those who benefitted.

Initially the Magical Mediators were trained along with St. Ninian’s Primary by the Scottish Mediation Network, the pupils now run their own training programme. They work in partnership with the pupil support workers and are supported by the depute head teacher. The Magical Mediator service is offered to P1-7 pupils. Our Magical Mediators are still in regular contact with the Scottish Mediation Network, who have written case studies about our programme to share our learning with others.

  • What was learned.

The Magical Mediators help our pupils become independent by helping them develop conflict resolution skills there preparing them with skills for learning, life and work. Pupils in the school have become more solution orientated by trying to solve their own problems first before asking an adult for help.

The Magical Mediators programme has impacted hugely on their Primary 7 leadership skills as they have responsibility for leading and developing the programme. They have developed their communication skills in a number of ways from promoting and advertising the service through Assemblies, promotion videos and our school blog to how they communicate with the pupils who use their service. They have developed resilience and problem solving skills in order to independently  overcome difficult situations. They have also developed their organisation skills by

  • What makes the achievement/project/group/individual special.

Our Magical Mediators have represented our school and West Lothian at the Scottish Medication Conference and more recently they were asked to share our journey to schools across Scotland at the Scottish Young Talks Conference.  At this conference they received an award from the Scottish Mediation in recognition for our Outstanding Contribution to Peer Mediation in Scotland by a School.

  • What are the lasting impacts of the achievement/project etc.

Our Magical Mediators continue to have a lasting impact on the health and wellbeing of the pupils in our school. It is a sustainable programme, as the Primary 7 pupils have developed training workshops to  train the new magical mediators each year. We regularly support the Scottish Mediation Network with their research and have appeared in their Young Talks Magazine several times.

You can find out more about our Magical Mediators on our blog:


L.I. We are learning to select key information from a description.

As part of our STEM topic, ‘KIDNAPPED’, Primary 5 have been helping the police in their search for the missing Green children who have been kidnapped from their home. This week we decided to create some Missing Persons posters to help with the investigation. We revised all the information we already had about the children and the circumstances of their disappearance.

In our investigation groups we discussed the information we had and selected the key points to include in our posters. We agreed that they had to:

  • be eyecatching, to hook people in
  • provide as much accurate information about the children as possible
  • give details of the date and time of the disappearance
  • give an accurate representation of how the children look
  • provide details of who to contact with information

Once we had planned our posters, we got to work in our teams and managed to produce some really eye-catching posters. We are hoping to get permission to display some around the school – look out for them!

P3’s Amazing school trip to Jupiter Art Land!

P3 went to Jupiter Art Land and saw lots of interesting and cool sculptures!

Euan: My favourite sculpture was the stones in the trees by Andy Goldsworth because they were really interesting!

Lewis A: My favourite part was having a wee seat on the stones in the secret house!

Jacob: I liked the statues of the weeping girls because they stayed really still like a statue.

Olivia: My favourite part was the crystal cave. It was really shiny and cool!

Ciara: My favourite part was the weeping girls because they have long hair that hides their faces. I remember it was by Laura Ford!

Amelia: My favourite part was the trees with the giant stones because it was stretching the tree out!

March Newsletter

Dear Parents / Carers,

Here we are with Easter almost upon us and what a busy term we have had so far!

Many classes have been out on field visits to enhance their learning and build on previous knowledge and understanding of the topics they have been exploring. We have had very enjoyable assemblies where the children have then demonstrated this knowledge through interesting and fun presentations.

We are also very proud to let you know that our Peer Mediation Team  were put forward for the Stellar Awards in conjunction with West Lothian Council Education Services and were chosen as overall winners for their category. A huge well done to them!

Many children have also reached the stage when they are achieving their I – Achieve bronze and silver awards, again a huge well done to them. Please keep up to date with all learning and happenings at our school through Mid Calder school blog.

Mary McKenzie

Feb -March newsletter