Dear Parent/Carer
It was very encouraging to see so many parents at parent’s night. The children were all keen to know what was going to be said about them and I hope there were no surprises when parents discussed what the outcomes were. Every child, it is hoped, will know how they are progressing in their learning and be able to discuss the targets they have set themselves in conjunction with their teachers. It is extremely important that children know what the next steps in their learning are to enable them to challenge themselves and make progress. It is also very encouraging to know that some pupils have gained a bronze award in their personal achievements through the I-Achieve process. It is equally important that as well as attainment in school outside achievements are recognised, please encourage your children to record these and be recognised for them.
Primary 6 and Primary 7 children had a very successful residential to Loch Inch with many children overcoming fears and reservations to take part in skiing lessons and sailing activities. Every member of staff, with the children, said how proud they were that everyone demonstrated a ‘have a go’ attitude. Well done to all the children who gave of their very best.
The children across all stages are presently looking at Mid Calder as their IDL and it is with great anticipation I look forward to the open afternoon to not only share your child’s learning but to celebrate 40 years of Mid Calder Primary School. We look forward to welcoming you into school on the 22nd of November from 1.30pm. Specific details will be sent out nearer the time but it is hoped you will put this date in your diary.
Please look on our school blog for our diary dates for the rest of this term.
Mary McKenzie