Category Archives: Learning Stories

Coordinating Coordinates with P7/P6

Learning Intention
We have been learning to explore the use of coordinates to plot points, and describe positions and movements on a grid.

Success Criteria
I can use coordinates to locate a point on a grid I can use coordinates to describe and locate a unique point on a grid
I can make journeys on a grid, following instructions about the coordinates to visit.

This week is maths week and we’ve been working on coordinates.

In coordinates we’ve been identifying the coordinates of objects on a grid.We also made our own grids.We wrote down the coordinates of objects around and island. Then we applied these skills to create our our own graph and created our own island. We did negative and positive coordinates. We had to identify the coordinates in which the objects were placed on a grid and we swapped with a learning partner to find our coordinates. We had great fun doing this as a challenge.


Today, as part of our new IDL Topic, Primary 2 went to the National Museum of Scotland to learn about Dinosaurs.

We began by learning about the work of a Paleontologist, and we heard how they  uncover clues which help them to learn new things about different types of dinosaurs. We looked at some of the different shapes and patterns of fossils and heard how they were formed  a very long time ago. We soon spotted some of these shapes and patterns on the floor beneath our feet, so we went on our own little fossil hunt!

In smaller groups, we settled down to explore some dinosaur related items. We learnt that some dinosaurs were huge, but others were really quite small. Some dinosaurs were  herbivores and others were carnivores.

There were replicas of different dinosaur parts for us to handle and to make clever guesses about what they were, and what they could tell us about the dinosaur they belonged to.  We carefully handled the spike from the end of a tail, a thumb, a jawbone and even some dinosaur poo! We all managed to stand together on an enormous dinosaur footprint too.


Primary 3’s Trip to the Museum


Today Primary 3 journeyed back to the land before time to learn all about the dinosaurs during our trip to the National Museum of Scotland. Linked to our new IDL context for learning, P3 learned about how the dinosaurs became extinct, how paleontologists learn about the dinosaurs and some of the key differences between carnivores and herbivores. We took part in a fossil hunt using the floor of the Grand Gallery, got to touch replicas of different parts of dinosaurs and even stood in the space that a dinosaur’s footprint took up to see how many of us could fit. We also had the opportunity to explore other parts of the museum and learn more about our amazing world. We had a perfect prehistoric day!


P1 Learning Letter: Term 1 & Meet the Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 of Primary 1. I hope you all had a relaxing summer break. In school we are looking forward to a busy and exciting term. Over the first few weeks we have been working hard to establish a positive and effective classroom ethos. This has included getting to know each other, and creating our own Community Contract, which helps pupils, staff and visitors to understand how the school values and children’s rights are respected within our classroom.

Miss Prior and Mrs Walker

Learning Letter P1 T1


Meet the Teacher

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended Meet the Teacher tonight. If you were unable to attend all the presentations are now available on the blog.

Thank you to the house and vice captains who welcomed our guests, acted as tour guides and helped you to complete the evaluations – if you would like to complete an online evaluation, please do so here.