Category Archives: Interdisciplinary Learning
Reading at Home Videos – Second Level
Reading at Home Videos – First Level
P4B’s Terrific Tiling
In maths this week, P4b have been developing their understanding of tiling and tessellation.
We have taken part in a range of practical, written and digital activities to explore how different shapes fit together to make different tiling patterns.
In class, we used digital technologies to research tiling in a real life context and to create a Word document showing different examples of tiling patterns. We were also able to explore how different 2D shapes fit together using our class SMARTboard and different tiling games.
As it is Education Scotland’s National Digital Learning Week, P4b have continued to use digital technologies to enhance and support their learning across the curriculum.
In technologies we have continued to develop our knowledge and understanding of the language of programming.
In literacy we have used online search engines to research letters of invitation and have also used Sumdog to develop our reading skills.
The Technical Troopers also came to P4B to lead a lesson on the Forms glow tool. This is a fantastic tool that the children have loved learning about. Some pupils have even made their own Forms Quiz at home since having this lesson.
Digital Learning Week: Sumdog Contest
P1-7 have been entered to take part in Sumdog’s special Scottish contest to celebrate Education Scotland’s National Digital Learning Week. This runs from 12-18th May and can be played at both home and at school using the Sumdog website or app. All pupils should have their Sumdog log in their homework diary/ book.
The children have to answer 1000 questions and their score is based on accuracy, not speed or winning games. There are also prizes to be won and certificates will be given out at assembly for those children in the top 50 from across Scotland.
Good luck everyone!
STEM Open Afternoon Feedback
Please see below for the feedback from our STEM Open Afternoon. Thank you to everyone who took part in our questionnaire.
Digital Learning Week: Supporting Learning at Home
Sum Dog and Purple Mash are two online resources we have purchased to support learning and teaching in Maths and Language. These resources can be used in school and at home. The PSA have helped us to purchase Purple Mash.
Teachers may set homework using these resources, however if homework has not been set parents can use these resources to support Maths and Language development at home.
Sum Dog
P1-7 have a Sum Dog Reading and Maths account. They can access this account at home by using the log in provided in their homework diary/book.
To access Sum Dog go to:
If you have an apple device you can download the Sum Dog app for free.
Purple Mash
P1-7 have a Purple Mash account. They can access this account at home by using the log in provided in their homework diary/book.
To access Purple Mash go to:
To find out how to use Purple Mash on your tablet you will find information here:
To find out how to use Purple Mash with iPad apps you will find information here:
Information to support parents/ carers:Â using-ict-to-support-maths-and-language-updated
Digital Learning Week: Parental Controls Advice
We know that children can be bothered by things they see online, and filters can be a helpful tool in reducing the chances of coming across something upsetting.
However, please remember that no filter or parental controls tool is 100% effective, and many of the risks that young people face online are because of their own and other’s behaviour. It is therefore important to talk to your children about staying safe online and make sure they know that they can turn to you if they get into any difficulty.
Please use the two links below to find out more about how to set up filters on your home internet to help prevent age inappropriate content being accessed on devices in your home:
P2/1 Pirates
Learning Intention:
- We are learning to use books and texts to find and select useful information about the clothes and objects a pirate owns and discuss their purposes.
Success Criteria:
- I can select key information from a text to help me identify and describe the different items of clothing worn by a pirate.
- I can select key information from a text to help me identify and describe the objects owned by a pirate and share my own ideas about their purpose.
- I can use key information to help me label and draw items on a diagram of a pirate.
As part of P2/1’s new IDL topic we have been learning about what a pirate might look like and about key objects they may own.
First, we listened to a selection of pirate stories and we identified and discussed the key vocabulary and information that we would need. Then we invited a few of our class members to come to the front and dress in pirate clothing. They demonstrated how the different objects or equipment would be used and shared their ideas about why a pirate would need or want to use them.
After this, we had a class discussion about other items of clothes a pirate may wear and other objects they may own. We made a chart of our ideas on our class board.
Finally, we used the information we had identified and gathered to help us label parts of a pirate and draw any missing items.
P2/1 Robertson Building Site visit
On Thursday the 30th of April, P2/1 went to visit the Robertson Building Site in Mid Calder as part of their IDL STEM topic for term 3.
The children demonstrated that they were responsible citizens by displaying excellent behaviour and using their road safety knowledge to cross roads sensibly and safely.
On arrival, we entered the meeting room where we met the site manager and some of Roberson Building Site team members. First, they gave us an important safety chat where we discussed the clothing and equipment builders and the children would need to keep them safe on the building site. Then we spoke about some of the things we might see and hear on the building site and any potential hazards that we would have to look out for. The children also got the chance to share their knowledge from their topic and ask their own questions to the experts.
Then, we put on our safety equipment (orange hi-vis vests and hard hats) and set off on our tour around the building site. The class could successfully identify and talk about different building materials and different machines they could see as we walked to look at the foundation stage of building.
After this, we went to see a house that was further on in the building process. We discussed the scaffolding outside, the wooden frame and how it was pieced together, what insulation was and why it is important, the layout of the upstairs and downstairs and finally the wiring and position of the lights.
The children did an excellent job of asking questions and linking their knowledge from our topic to this real-life experience. They could identify different tools and speak about the different types of roles involved in building a house (plumber, electrician, painters etc.).
The class really enjoyed the experience and we would all like to say a huge thank you to the Robertson Homes team and all our adult helpers that came along to support the class in our learning during the visit.