Category Archives: PSA

PSA AGM & Meeting 2017 – Wednesday 13th September – 7pm

PSA AGM Agenda

1. Welcome

2. Apologies

3. Minutes from AGM ( to be approved)

4. Chairs report

5. Treasurers report

6. Election of Auditor for 17/18
Alison Orr

7. Resolution

8. Resignations/ nominations

9. AO

PSA Meeting Agenda – 7:45pm
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Minutes ( to be approved)
4. Correspondence
5. Coin trail
6. Movie night ( Thursday 21st September)
7. Dress down day( Friday 13th September)
8. Halloween discos ( Thursday 26th October
9. Christmas card fundraiser
10. School Requests
11. AOB – 1. Children council  (attending once a term )
12. Minutes on fb
13. Storage
14. Date time of next meeting: Wednesday 11th October

PSA: What We Do & How You Help?

We raise funds, with your help, to give the school the extra things it needs each year. Over the years we’ve managed to provide the school with things as diverse as iPad protectors & cameras all the way through to the staging and very popular chick hatchery. We are also currently raising funds for the new playground once the nursery building is complete.

You help by coming along to the Fairs, sending your children to Movie Nights and buying our fundraising items. Remember the school calendars and the Christmas mugs and cards? That was us!

But it could all end… Over the course of the year we’ve lost some of our committee and more are leaving at the end of the year. If we can’t get the requisite minimum number of 8 parents and 2 teachers, we have to fold.

This means not only a loss of around £5,000 per year for the school to purchase items similar to those we’ve bought in the past, but there would be no more Halloween Parties, Movie Nights, School Fairs, P7’s Leaver’s trip and funding for bus trips. Even ice lollies after the Sports Days.

What We Need

For more parents to sign up! As a committee member, it won’t take up a lot of your time. Attend our monthly , term time meetings, help out at events only when you can (where, we can assure you, you will have lots of fun) and really feel you’re making a difference to your school and your child’s schooling. If you can help, please contact us on the email below, or even give us a shout on the Mid Calder Parents Reminder page on Facebook – we’re often loitering there to answer parent queries on school events. Our next AGM is Wednesday 13th September at 7pm, in the staff room of the school. We hope you can come along.

The Small Print: The Parent Staff Association is a registered charity and our commitment is to support the school through fundraising. This enables the school to purchase items that support the children’s’ education which are outwith the school’s budget. As parents of children attending this primary school, you automatically become a member of the PSA. However , it is a committee made up of volunteers, who give some of their time to help organise the fundraising. We are an official organisation, therefore we have a chairperson, treasurer and secretary. We have two members of staff who also sit on the committee. All meetings are recorded and we produce minutes of theses meetings. Our meetings take place in the staff room – 7pm on the second Wednesday of the month, term time permitting.

We also hold an AGM, which normally takes place in September and is open to all parents. The fundraising that we do ranges from fairs to parties for the children.

We are constantly looking for new ideas. Our committee embers all donate different amounts of their time; it depends on how much they can give.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: The PSA is a registered charity. Charity number: SC044390

PSA Fundraising Update

Movie Night £253.41
Dress Up Day £197.23
Bingo Night £428.69
Easter Egg Competition £73.76
Easy Fundraising Website £24.13
Dress Down Day £212.60

A huge thank you to everyone who came to our first Bingo night and I hope everyone enjoyed playing. It was a learning experience for the PSA – none of who had played bingo, but fun seems to have been had by all!

Well done everyone for raising so much for the school. The money raised from these events will be held by the PSA to ensure that next year our commitments, such as subsidising school trips, the Halloween parties etc will be met.

However, money raised from the Spring Fair will be going towards the playground fund and, with your help, we should reach the £10,000 total by the end of May.

PSA Easter Egg Competiton

A big well done to everyone who participated in the PSA Easter Egg Competition. Mrs Murray and Miss Sherlow had a difficult job judging the competition! Mrs Learmont from the PSA presented the winners with an Easter Egg at the Church service today. Thank you to the PSA for organising this event.