Category Archives: Learning Letters

P4 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 in Primary 4. I hope you have all had a peaceful and relaxing summer, and are feeling ready for our first term of this session.  We have spent the first two weeks of term building our community and we had a focus on the value of responsible.  Our IDL context this term is Crazy Climates and we are looking forward to learning about the weather and climate in The Rainforest, The Artic and Scotland. Our trip to Dynamic Earth on 3rd October will consolidate this learning.

Miss Prior & Ms Richmond

P4 Teachers

Learning Letter P4 Term 1

Nursery Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 in Mid Calder Nursery. I hope you have all had a peaceful and relaxing summer, and are now feeling refreshed.  This term the children are enjoying settling in to the nursery. They are getting to know new friends and new staff. We are confident your child will feel happy and secure in the nursery and will aim to provide a variety of experiences and opportunities that will help your child become a confident, lifelong learner, by capitalising on their individual strengths and qualities. We look forward to an exciting term.

Mrs Murray, Mrs Diamond, Mrs Aikman and Mrs Findlay

learning letter term 1

Primary 7/6 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 7/6.  In this last term the children are looking forward to planning and developing their knowledge and understanding of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Exciting and challenging lessons and activities will be completed by the pupils, using the context of CSI style investigations.  Here the pupils will have the opportunity to develop reasoning and logical thinking within problem solving scenarios.  We are excited about P7 leavers activities and starting with our new roles in P6 in preparation for P7.

Mrs Murray and Miss Gordon

learning letter p7.6 term 4

Primary 5/4 Learning Letter Term 4

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 5/4. We are looking forward to a busy and fun final term. The highlights of last term included hearing from specialist speakers linked to our Grand Designs topic, P5s attending the Handball Sports Festival and P4s attending the Benchball Sports Festival, and taking part in NYCOS music sessions. This term we have started our new IDL context for learning, Project Planetarium and are looking forward to our session with Cosmos Planetarium.

Mr Renshaw

P5/4 Teacher.

Learning Letter P5 Term 4

P7 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 7. In this last term the children are looking forward to planning and developing their knowledge and understanding of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Exciting and challenging lessons and activities will be completed by the pupils, using the context of CSI style investigations.  Here the pupils will have the opportunity to develop reasoning and logical thinking within problem solving scenarios.  We are excited about P7 leavers’ activities. P7 are now in the process of transferring their responsible roles onto P6.

Miss Anderson

Learning letter T4 1

Primary 5 Learning Letter Term 4

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 5. We are looking forward to a busy and fun final term. The highlights of last term included hearing from specialist speakers linked to our Grand Designs topic, attending the Handball Sports Festival, our Samba workshops and trip to Howden Park, and taking part in futsal sessions. This term we have started our new IDL context for learning, Project Planetarium and are looking forward to our session with Cosmos Planetarium.

Miss Sherlow

P5 Teacher.


Learning Letter P5 Term 4