Category Archives: Sciences

The Great Desert Island STEM Challenge!


This week P2 found out about our new exciting interdisciplinary context which is the Great Desert Island Challenge. We started by listening to a story about a group of sea travelers who were exploring the seas when their ship became wrecked on a desert island. There was only one survivor, Sir Harley Houndstooth III. We now have to help him survive on the desert island and get back to the civilized world. We were all very excited and up for a challenge!

Over the next few weeks P2, P2/3 and P3 will be given a series of challenges in which we will have to help Sir Harley Houndstooth III. We will be developing our skills in group work through carrying out different roles and developing our knowledge of the STEM subjects (Science, Technologies Mathematics and Engineering.)

Parents and carers can help by bringing in materials from the list in your child’s homework jotter. We will keep you posted on the challenges we do,

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Nelson.

Primary Two have been learning all about Science through our STEM workshops.

This week we all went along to a STEM workshop in the hall.  We took part in a series of differ Science experiments and challenges. One of the challenges involved making a bridge out of paper, in another challenge we put mints into coke and watched what happened. We all really enjoyed taking part in the different experiments and would like to thank the STEM junior leadership team for making this possible.

Mr Nelson.

Spring Has Arrived in the Nursery (AM Class)




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The children have been noticing lots of bulbs growing in the garden. Mrs Barber has taught them a new song. “Snowdrop,snowdrop, little drop of snow.”

Coryn said “I was painting some snowdrops. They are growing outside. I used a feather to print the stems then added white for the petals.”

“I am making daffodils. I printed the stems of the daffodils. I made 8 daffodils.I mixed red and yellow to make some orange for the centre.” said Imogen.


P1b Explore the Sun, Earth and Moon

LI: We are learning about the Sun, Earth and Moon.

SC: I can name and describe the shape of the Sun, Earth and Moon.

SC: I can sort the Sun, Earth and Moon by size.

SC: I understand that the Earth and the Moon rotate/spin.

SC: I can describe the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

SC: I can describe the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.

Primary 1b decided to explore Space this term after watching Tim Peake in the news before the Christmas holidays. Last week we used a 3D mind map to share and discuss what we already know and think about space. Then we decided what we would like to find out this term.


Here are some examples:

“Planets go around the sun.” Daniel

“The moon spins around.” Brandon

“There’s a planet called Mars. It’s red and goes around the sun and I think it’s got volcanoes.” Isla MacKinnon

“Astronauts go up in space. Tim Peake is staying until summer and that’s a really long time.” Aimee

“How big is the sun?” Finlay

“How big is the Earth?” Lucas

“Why does the moon change shape?” Rory

“I want to learn about the moon spinning.” Kaitlyn

On Monday we decided to learn about the size, position and movement of the Sun, Earth and Moon. First we explored an interactive game to compare the shape and size of them. Lots of us had never heard of a ‘sphere’ before, so we agreed that we would like to learn more about 3D shapes soon too. After learning about the orbit of the Earth and Moon, we worked in groups of 3 using balloons to recreate the position of the Sun and the rotation and orbits of the Earth and Moon.

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It was quite tricky at first. We had to talk to each other lots to plan our movements and concentrate to make sure that we didn’t bump into each other. Here is a video of Finlay, Oscar and Rory, showing everyone how it’s done:

P1 – Explore Space from Home

P1 Winter Ready Activity

Log into your Purple Mash account (remember your username and password have been sent home). Click on the Home tab, then select the ‘My 2dos’ tab. Please click on Maths City 1 and then click on the red rocket. There you can explore a video and different activities related to space.

Please leave us a comment  on the blog to let us know how you got on. :)

Handwashing Video

We are learning to explain ways of preventing the spreading of diseases.

  • I can explain different ways of preventing the spread of germs.
  • I can describe the steps of how to wash your hands correctly.

This term in Science and Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about diseases, their symptoms, ways of preventing them and why we get vaccines. We also investigated the correct steps in washing your hands and the importance of washing your hands. Please watch our video below.