All posts by Mrs Aikman

Kind Wishes at the Nursery

Today was a very special day at the nursery. Mrs Barber was presented with flowers, cards and many gifts from the nursery children and parents.Miss Thompson explained to the children that Mrs Barber had been teaching nursery children for 36 years and one parent said she had known Mrs Barber all her life. It was very emotional for all involved but we wish her a happy retirement and will miss her in the nursery. One more task before she goes…Our trip to North Berwick. Thank you for making this a special day. She has many happy memories, not only of her time at Mid Calder but throughout her teaching career in West Lothian.

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Story Telling and Number Talks in the Nursery (AM Class)


Rosie said, “I writed my name then told the story of Jack and Beanstalk.”


Jack went to the market to sell the cow. He got some beans. His mum threw them out. The beanstalk grew up and up—-very big. Jack climbed to the castle. He met the giant–fee,fo,fi,fum.

Nairne said, ” I was writing my name in my little notebook. I drew some pictures.”


Jack went to the market. He saw a man with magic beans. His mum threw the beans out of the window. The beanstalk grew. Jack climbed up the beanstalk to the castle. A giant was there. Jack ran away with the pennies and the hen.”

Carlie has been making numbers.It is a countdown, 10, 9, 8 ,7 ,6 ,5 ,4 ,3,2,1,0, Blast Off ” she said.

Jack said, ” I am writing my numbers –hundred eight. I took it home to show mum. I like writing big numbers.”

Spring Has Arrived in the Nursery (AM Class)




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The children have been noticing lots of bulbs growing in the garden. Mrs Barber has taught them a new song. “Snowdrop,snowdrop, little drop of snow.”

Coryn said “I was painting some snowdrops. They are growing outside. I used a feather to print the stems then added white for the petals.”

“I am making daffodils. I printed the stems of the daffodils. I made 8 daffodils.I mixed red and yellow to make some orange for the centre.” said Imogen.


Afternoon Nursery Tea Party

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The afternoon children were very excited about the tea party. Ollie said, “We were making triangles for our bunting in the Willow Tea Room.”  “I made flowers, I folded the triangles.” said Eloise.

Jake said,”At pop in and play, I was eating the cakes with mum. I was showing mum round the nursery.”

Jessica was playing with mum at the big bricks. She was being the big bad wolf. I had fun being one of the little pigs.

“My mummy was having tea in the kitchen- I was eating shortbread.” said Logan.

Granny Joyce was so surprised when Connor handed her his card and daffodil.

Cayla said, ” I gave mummy a card and a daffodil when she came to the tea party. Mum showed me how to draw a ladybird.”


Max made a painting of Jack and the Beanstalk. He said, “ I mixed white paint and black paint to make the castle grey.”

Lacy said, “I made Jack and the Beanstalk- the magic beans grew into a huge beanstalk. Jack climbed all the way up to the castle.”

Jake said, “ I am making a gadget- it is a periscope to see things far away. It is on wheels so I can move it about easily.”