Category Archives: Religious & Moral Education

February 2016 Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope that you had a lovely mid-term break and it is hard to believe that we are on the countdown to Easter. We have  a busy term ahead with our STEM focus week; celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight and National Book Day. We also celebrated Mrs Bokhari’s silver anniversary as this month marks her 25th year of working in Mid Calder Primary School.

Just to give you forward notice – the primary school will be closed on Thursday 5th May due to the Scottish Parliamentary Election and on Thursday 23rd June due to the European Union Membership Referendum. The nursery will be open as usual on these dates.

Nicola Thompson

Head Teacher

2016-02-23 February Newsletter

Mid Calder Bake-Off Email and Blog

Torch Light Procession

On Saturday night, some of the pupils from Primary 1-3 braved the weather to come and sing some of their nativity songs at the Kirk of Calder Parish Church. They sounded fantastic and there was a real sense of community spirit shown by the number of people who came along to attend the service and to support them.

P4 Friday 2 October

This week as part of our RME topic on water, we looked at Christian baptism ceremonies.

We found out what the names we were given mean.

The meanings for our names  Jack is for man, Joel is for strong willed, Morgan is for bright sea, Lucy is light, Sam is heard by God, Luke is light, Sorley is summer sailor, Jamie is honest, Ross is red, Iona is blessed, Caitlin is pure, Olivia is olive and  peace, Grace is Gods favour, Kuba is he who walks  with tigers, Hannah is  favour and grace, Ben is a  son, Fraser means strawberry flowers, Martyna is war like, Rebekah is captivating, Kayden is handsome, Lexie is defender of mankind, Connor is strong willed, Scott is a man from Scotland,  Alicia is honest, Stephen is reward.

Do you think we are like our names?

By Lucy J and Sam

Summer Church Service

Despite a last minute venue change due to the infamous Scottish weather, Mid Calder Primary held its annual Summer Service on Thursday 25th June. We had poems, readings, hymns, a performance from our brass band and a P7 Prayer before Miss Thompson summed up the last year at Mid Calder Primary in a closing speech.

Well done to all of the pupils and staff who helped this event to happen with the last minute changes, and to the parents for braving the weather to support our school. Happy holidays everybody! 🙂

P3 Nativity

LI: We are learning to sing and play music with growing confidence and skill. We are learning to create, choose and accept roles, using movement, expression and voice
SC: I can sing with others, keeping time and in pitch
I can be aware of my audience and perform with confidence
I can use a loud, clear voice when performing

This week P3 have been learning nativity, nativity, nativity! We have been singing the songs and saying our lines with confidence and expression. The stage is ready and Mary, Joseph, the Innkeeper, Wise Men, Shepherds and of course all the animals have been learning where to stand, sit or lie down! The narrator is will tell you the Story of Christmas in a beautiful voice with lots of expression and the Angels have been learning to dance! The Travellers are coming to the party and are very excited to share our performance with you next week and look forward to seeing you then.