Category Archives: Curriculum Areas

Sportshall Athletics

On Thursday 25th February 2016 some P7 pupils were selected to represent Mid Calder Primary in the East Regional Final of Athletics.  The events included track and field events and took place at Meadowbank Leisure Centre.  We had a great experience and were very tired by the end of it!  Every pupil that took part was given a certificate to keep as a memory of the event.  Well done to all the P.7’s for helping us qualify for this event.  We hope next years P.7’s can qualify as well!





4 Days to go till the ‘Mid Calder Bake-Off’!

Hope you have all had a great weekend and  managed to make the most of the fantastic weather…..but also hope you’ve been thinking, planning and shopping for you Bake-Off entry. I know Miss Burton has decided to bake for the first time…shopping was stressful for her and she had to ask myself where to buy ‘condensed milk’ in the supermarket…well done Miss Burton we look forward to seeing the finished bake.


Just a small reminder it’s only 4 DAYS to go – The Book Lions look forward to receiving all your contributions on Thursday morning. Parents/family if you could hand yours into the front office on Thursday morning a member of the Book Lions will be there to give you a form and receive your bake and recipe…we then look forward to seeing you in the hall from after 1.30!

Pupils please remember to bring your entry in appropriate packaging (if you would like this returned let us know on the day). We will distribute a card for you to complete and hand in with your bake (on Thursday) at school on Wednesday – don’t worry if you loose it we will have more on the day. Please don’t forget to bring a copy of the recipe to be sold/donated with your cake and remember to bring in your own donation to take another cake away!

We will also have a book swapping stall – so look those books out now and bring along any day this week.

Signing off…..lets get baking!

Ms Allsopp and The Book Lions

Curriculum Evening: Maths

On Thursday night we invited parents and carers along to find out about our world of Maths at Mid Calder Primary. As you know Maths is on our school improvement plan for the second year, we began in the hall discussing with parents our journey with maths so far. Then the Numeracy shared with us some information about SEAL (stage of early arithmetical learning) and how parents can support at home.  This was followed by workshops in classes demonstrating what a typical maths lesson looks like and how parents can support their child at home. A big thank you to everyone who supported the event and to our house and vice captains who helped with the smooth running of the event.

Feedback from parents included:

  • ‘These evenings are great to get ideas as to how to help my child at home’.
  • ‘Our daughter talks a lot about the strategies she is learning about’.
  • ‘My child is very enthusiastic when doing Maths homework’.
  • ‘This was a good insight into how my child is learning and developing within Maths’.
  • ‘We can see the improvements being made, keep up the good work’.

School Overview:

Numeracy Team Input:


Primary 1:

Primary 2/3:


Primary 4/5:


Primary 6/7

Primary Two have been making arrays in P.E.

I can use addition and multiplication when solving problems, making best use of the mental strategies and written skills I have developed. MNU 1-03

Learning Intention:

We are learning how to make equal groups ‘arrays.’

Success Criteria:

I can use cones to make an array.

I can work as part of a team to show an array.

This week in P.E. we have been applying what we know about arrays. First we had to get into equal groups of 2, then 4 and then 6. After this we had to arrange ourselves into arrays.IMG_0199


Then we used cones in the gym hall to make our own arrays. We were able to talk about how many rows of cones there were and how many cones were in each row. Can you find any arrays at home or in school?



Mid Calder Primary School Bake-Off! Read all about it!

Mid Calder Bake-Off!

Why not read a recipe?

The Bake-Off is back! Bigger and better than ever! Mid Calder Primary School’s BookLions is proud to present The Mid Calder Bake-Off! Get out your whisks and put on your aprons because it’s coming to Mid Calder Primary School hall, on Thursday 3rd March 2016.

It will be at 1:30pm-2:30pm, so bring your cakes and bakes to the hall in the morning, where we will be waiting to collect your sweet treats. We promise we won’t eat them!

If you have any gluten-free or nut free cakes and bakes please inform us, and we will add this to your description card. If you have used any Fairtrade products in your bakes, we will have a table for that too.

The Categories are:





Parent/family etc


The cake designs can be to do with your favourite book/character or they could just be a normal design. Remember to bring a copy of the recipe you used when baking or bring in the book for everyone to see. Reasons being to make sure everyone knows what they’re eating and that they’re allowed it, also reading is what we encourage and we thought it would be fun to let you read the recipes yourself!

We will have special guest judges and your parents, carers, grandparents will also be invited in during this time. We invite you to take another cake home to try (and the recipe) for a small donation, if you want to take your own cake home afterwards please let us know when delivering it to the hall. The donations you make are to raise money for our school library, to get it into better condition. Oh, and did we forget to tell you about the prize?  Your cakes and bakes will be judged before parents and carers arrive. The prize will be a… surprise because that’s the best kind!

Finally, if you have any old books or books you don’t read anymore, we will be having a book swap table, to get you reading.

We hope you will put in the effort to get baking and bring in some delicious cakes and treats, for everyone to enjoy!

Hope you get busy and get baking!

From, Erin Leitch, Eloise Cowie and Neve Cormack, members of the BookLions



February 2016 Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope that you had a lovely mid-term break and it is hard to believe that we are on the countdown to Easter. We have  a busy term ahead with our STEM focus week; celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight and National Book Day. We also celebrated Mrs Bokhari’s silver anniversary as this month marks her 25th year of working in Mid Calder Primary School.

Just to give you forward notice – the primary school will be closed on Thursday 5th May due to the Scottish Parliamentary Election and on Thursday 23rd June due to the European Union Membership Referendum. The nursery will be open as usual on these dates.

Nicola Thompson

Head Teacher

2016-02-23 February Newsletter

Mid Calder Bake-Off Email and Blog

Community Crusaders visit Cunigar House!

During our last JLT session, the Community Crusaders went to Cunigar House in Mid Calder village to visit the tenants that live there. We went to Cunigar House to get to know our older community and to share our learning with them.

We brought along some games such as Kapla and Dominoes and some of our reading books and writing jotters.

Some of us enjoyed drawing pictures with the tenants.

“Cool Joe created a picture of Harry, Lucas and I.”- Naomi S, P1.

“At our table we enjoyed playing dominoes with Mrs. McCormack, Lewis and the ladies of Cunigar House.”- Ben S, P4.

“I enjoyed playing Castle Chase with Joy, and I think she enjoyed playing too.”- Erin C, P5.

“I shared my learning about Number Talks with Michael.”- Georgia S, P3.

“I drew Beth’s two budgies in a cage for her. One was green and one was blue. I also drew the school badge.”- Hana, P5/4.

At the end of our time there we joined together to sing ‘Caledonia’ and ‘Ye Canny Shove Yer Grannie’. The tenants seemed to really enjoy our singing. We all signed a card at the end to say thank you for having us and we hope to see you all again.

Have a look at some of our photos and videos of our time there! 🙂
