Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

P4 Community Contract

Primary 4 have had an enjoyable start to the term building our class community. We have spent time over the first two weeks developing a class community contract to help ensure we have a fantastic start to P4. We looked at children’s rights from the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child and picked out 4 that we thought related to life around the school. We used these rights and our school values to create a community contract with a Minion theme. Our contract states that:

We will try our best and encourage others.

We will help each other and work as a team.

We will keep our classroom and school tidy.

We will listen to and respect each other.

We will be kind, friendly and polite.

Using our Minions theme we have made a colourful and fun community contract!


P3 Community Contract

Primary 3 have had a fun first two weeks getting to know each other and building our class community. We have been demonstrating our team work and creative skills through a series of challenges, as well as showing off our maths, writing and digital abilities.

To help us to have an amazing year in Primary 3, we created a community contract. We discussed each of our school values and what they meant to us, thinking carefully about how we could show each of the values both in school and in the playground. We all designed our own emoji to add to our contract to make it colourful and eye catching in our classroom.

Primary 5C Class Charter

All of P5c are very excited about the start of our P5 journey and looking forward to all of the challenges ahead. We have spent the first 2 weeks of term getting to know one another and deciding what we need to do to ensure we have a safe, calm and happy environment to work in. The boys and girls decided on a ‘Busy Bee’ theme for our class charter, as we are all expecting to be kept very busy in the coming months…

We revisited our school values and the children came up with lots of ways in which we can make sure these are upheld. We then decided on which childrens’ rights to include and discussed what we will need to do to ensure everyone’s rights are met; these were displayed on flowers which we made to keep our bees busy!

We have all signed our class contract and hopefully our P5c Charter will help us to have a happy and successful year this session.


P1P Class Charter

During the first two weeks, Primary 1 have been looking at the story of the Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. This story is all about being kind and friendly to others through sharing. We thought this linked well to our own classroom expectations and some of our School Values.

Through various activities we have explored the Rainbow Fish further and have also shared our thoughts and ideas on our school’s values. We used these brilliant ideas to create a Rainbow Fish themed Class Charter that also linked to the UN Rights of the Child.

Each bubble contains something that we think is important for us in and around the classroom and each shell contains one of our school values. We have all signed a scale on the Rainbow Fish to remind ourselves that we have agreed to our Class Charter and will use this throughout Primary 1. Brilliant work Primary 1!

Free Swimming

Youngsters who are aged 15 and under in West Lothian can swim free during the school summer holidays.

The free swimming programme is funded by West Lothian Council and allows youngsters aged 15 and under to swim for free, Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm, Friday 30 June –  Friday 18 August.

Swiming is available at Xcite pools in Armadale, Bathgate, Broxburn, Linlithgow, and Whitburn, as well as West Lothian Leisure pools in Deans and Inveralmond Community High Schools, and West Lothian Council’s Fauldhouse Partnership Centre. Free swimming is available for one session per day per person (max 1 hour). Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Limited spaces are available. Terms and Conditions apply. Xcite Livingston will be offering a discounted rate of £1.00 per swim session for 15yrs and under, Monday – Friday 10.00am – 4.00pm, 30 June – 18 August.

For more information about free swimming during the summer and for swim guidelines please visit:

P5a Transition Challenge


L.I. we are learning to encourage learning and confidence in others

We are learning to recognise our skills and abilities and discuss our learning

We are learning to support others in preparing for their next stage at school.

This week in class, P5a worked in groups to prepare a presentation for the current P4s all about their transition to Primary 5. Each group focused on a different curricular area; Inter -Disciplinary Learning, Health & Wellbeing, Maths and Language. One group also focused on the routines of the school day and the extra responsibilities of being in P5.

As a group, we reflected on the learning which has taken place throughout our P5 journey. It was fun to remember all of the things we’ve done and we had to jog our memories to think of everything and make sure we didn’t forget anything!

We used Powerpoint and Sway and tried to make our presentations interesting and informative; we hopefully made our P5 experience sound like fun. After each group had presented, we answered questions from P4s.

Some of the things they wanted to know were;

‘Will we have the same lunchtimes?

‘Will we do all the same topics?’

‘Will the Maths be harder?’.

We hopefully gave full answers to all their questions and we tried to reassure them about moving on to the next stage in their school life.