P5a Transition Challenge


L.I. we are learning to encourage learning and confidence in others

We are learning to recognise our skills and abilities and discuss our learning

We are learning to support others in preparing for their next stage at school.

This week in class, P5a worked in groups to prepare a presentation for the current P4s all about their transition to Primary 5. Each group focused on a different curricular area; Inter -Disciplinary Learning, Health & Wellbeing, Maths and Language. One group also focused on the routines of the school day and the extra responsibilities of being in P5.

As a group, we reflected on the learning which has taken place throughout our P5 journey. It was fun to remember all of the things we’ve done and we had to jog our memories to think of everything and make sure we didn’t forget anything!

We used Powerpoint and Sway and tried to make our presentations interesting and informative; we hopefully made our P5 experience sound like fun. After each group had presented, we answered questions from P4s.

Some of the things they wanted to know were;

‘Will we have the same lunchtimes?

‘Will we do all the same topics?’

‘Will the Maths be harder?’.

We hopefully gave full answers to all their questions and we tried to reassure them about moving on to the next stage in their school life.

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