Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

British Heart Foundation sponsored skip

Please remember to be collecting sponsors for our skipping challenge  taking place next week. The school is taking part during PE classes throughout next week.  Bring in your form and money to school from Monday. The school receives 20 per cent of the sponsorships with the British Heart Foundation receiving the rest.  Sponsor forms have already been taken home, collect another from Miss Gordon if needed!

P4 Benchball Festival East Calder Sports Centre 9th March 2016

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All the P4s in Mid Calder Primary had an amazing time today at the West Lothian Schools Benchball Festival. We had six different teams who played children from Kirknewton Primary and Woodmuir Primary as well as teams from our own school.

Everyone showed great team working skills as well as super throwing and passing.

A great time was had by everyone!

Afternoon Nursery Tea Party

008 208 CIMG0043 CIMG0045 CIMG0061 CIMG0063 CIMG0102 CIMG0103 CIMG0104

The afternoon children were very excited about the tea party. Ollie said, “We were making triangles for our bunting in the Willow Tea Room.”  “I made flowers, I folded the triangles.” said Eloise.

Jake said,”At pop in and play, I was eating the cakes with mum. I was showing mum round the nursery.”

Jessica was playing with mum at the big bricks. She was being the big bad wolf. I had fun being one of the little pigs.

“My mummy was having tea in the kitchen- I was eating shortbread.” said Logan.

Granny Joyce was so surprised when Connor handed her his card and daffodil.

Cayla said, ” I gave mummy a card and a daffodil when she came to the tea party. Mum showed me how to draw a ladybird.”


Max made a painting of Jack and the Beanstalk. He said, “ I mixed white paint and black paint to make the castle grey.”

Lacy said, “I made Jack and the Beanstalk- the magic beans grew into a huge beanstalk. Jack climbed all the way up to the castle.”

Jake said, “ I am making a gadget- it is a periscope to see things far away. It is on wheels so I can move it about easily.”


The Willow Tea Room/ Pop in and Play.

086 “Mrs Barber told us her mum sewed the Willow Pattern,” said Ava. “We designed our invitations after Mrs Barber told us the Willow story.”092Bernice said, ” I was helping to hang the bunting. I made some bunting to make our nursery nice like the cafe we visited.”078“I’m doing the food in the tea room, I was collecting the stuff from the tables.” said Ava.036Zara’s mummy came, she had a scone.

CIMG0032 “Mummy came to our nursery for Mother’s Day, she had a scone,” said Charlie.

Ruaridh said, “It was Wednesday, she came that day. She ate Mrs Findlay’s cake. I eated a biscuit and a wee cake.”

Parents’ comments:

“Wonderful opportunity to involve parents! Kids and parents equally enjoy this. Nice to bring parents together too. my child  was so excited to share her nursery experience with mum.”

“Lovely scones! Great oppportunity to play with my daughter, she loved showing me round,”

“Tea party was lovely, very nice to be treated. Loved the victoria sponge.”

Sportshall Athletics

On Thursday 25th February 2016 some P7 pupils were selected to represent Mid Calder Primary in the East Regional Final of Athletics.  The events included track and field events and took place at Meadowbank Leisure Centre.  We had a great experience and were very tired by the end of it!  Every pupil that took part was given a certificate to keep as a memory of the event.  Well done to all the P.7’s for helping us qualify for this event.  We hope next years P.7’s can qualify as well!





4 Days to go till the ‘Mid Calder Bake-Off’!

Hope you have all had a great weekend and  managed to make the most of the fantastic weather…..but also hope you’ve been thinking, planning and shopping for you Bake-Off entry. I know Miss Burton has decided to bake for the first time…shopping was stressful for her and she had to ask myself where to buy ‘condensed milk’ in the supermarket…well done Miss Burton we look forward to seeing the finished bake.


Just a small reminder it’s only 4 DAYS to go – The Book Lions look forward to receiving all your contributions on Thursday morning. Parents/family if you could hand yours into the front office on Thursday morning a member of the Book Lions will be there to give you a form and receive your bake and recipe…we then look forward to seeing you in the hall from after 1.30!

Pupils please remember to bring your entry in appropriate packaging (if you would like this returned let us know on the day). We will distribute a card for you to complete and hand in with your bake (on Thursday) at school on Wednesday – don’t worry if you loose it we will have more on the day. Please don’t forget to bring a copy of the recipe to be sold/donated with your cake and remember to bring in your own donation to take another cake away!

We will also have a book swapping stall – so look those books out now and bring along any day this week.

Signing off…..lets get baking!

Ms Allsopp and The Book Lions

Primary Two have been making arrays in P.E.

I can use addition and multiplication when solving problems, making best use of the mental strategies and written skills I have developed. MNU 1-03

Learning Intention:

We are learning how to make equal groups ‘arrays.’

Success Criteria:

I can use cones to make an array.

I can work as part of a team to show an array.

This week in P.E. we have been applying what we know about arrays. First we had to get into equal groups of 2, then 4 and then 6. After this we had to arrange ourselves into arrays.IMG_0199


Then we used cones in the gym hall to make our own arrays. We were able to talk about how many rows of cones there were and how many cones were in each row. Can you find any arrays at home or in school?

