Category Archives: Expressive Arts

Capturing the Decisive Moment

Second Level have been working on digital photography leading up to and during Digital Learning Week. Primary 5s led the way after their successful photography trip to the National Museums. The latest challenge involved the young photographers looking at the work of French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson who specialised in street photography in Paris and who was describes as trying to capture ‘the decisive moment’.

They went round the school trying to hunt down interesting subjects and then had the advantage of digitally manipulating their efforts – a luxury in the digital age of i-pads and apps that Cartier-Bresson did not have. They used Art Set, Snap seed and Photoshop express to change a few selected images. The children had to narrow down their winning shots to one and these were then printed off for a school exhibition. They were helped by the Technical troopers from P6 and P7 and Miss Sherlow was on-hand to offer advice on downloading and printing.

A lot of the school-life images focussed on portraits and here is what the pupils said, thought and felt. Some captured the moments of school life in black and white just like the master himself.

Amazing Bird Collages – It’s All About the Layers

At Second Level we have been creating multi-layered mixed media collages inspired by Mark Hearld. We created textured backgrounds with bright colours and then cut out our collage birds and figures. We added fine details and lines. Then we added more textured layers with tissue paper. We learned that it is important to make sure all the edges are stuck down to make a more professional artwork.

They then tried to evaluate their work looking at the visual elements. Next term we will TALK about Art more often as part of ACfE Evaluating and Appreciating Art. The work is on display around the corridors and hall. Tell us what you think.

P6’s bird collages

If you read last weeks blog P6 were making bird collages.  This is P6’s finished bird collage. Here are some pictures. They are made with paint, tissue paper, normal paper and other materials that P6 had found. It was a lot of hard work. They where lots of different colours and we were inspired by the artist Mark Herold. We did this art work with ms brolls for about 2 weeks. This was a really fun experience of art and we recommend it to everyone. 

P6 Collage for Springtime

P6 were making a collage bird artwork. You could use different colours but if you put them all in the same place it will turn a muddy brown. When you make it, first you paint the background and then you draw a picture on a separate piece of paper and stick it on the the piece on paper that you painted the background on. The background can be any colour you like but you would want the bird to stand out. We looked at a picture by Mark Hearld. This is his picture. As you can see he used loads of different colours and there are many layers. You can also see he used stencils to make patters. That picture at the bottom is Mark Hearld. Next time you will see some of P6’s pictures. By Iona,Alicia and Lucy.

Snow Day Antics and Building Ideas

Move over George Clark and your Amazing Spaces TV programme. I hope some of you took up the Igloo Challenge. Did you manage to make a roof? How did you build it? How could you make it better next time? I know some people made an igloo that could fit ten people inside. How big would that need to be? What questions would you ask an Innuit about their igloo-building skills? What other small shelters are there in warm countries? There are great design ideas on the Tiny House/Homes website and in Scotland some people build huts in woods that can be very inventive so look at the Reforesting Scotland 1000 Huts Movement. How would you design a great den/hut?

I hope you are working on using French every day. In class we are using French colours and in P5-7 Spanish too. Use Google translate or YouTube to find ways to practise these – rouge, orange, jaune, vert, bleu, rose, noir, blanc.

Finally, I hope some of you tried to help others that may have found it difficult to get to the shops for milk and bread. For some people who are HOUSEBOUND this is a problem that faces them every day and not just a Snow Day.

Forget The Beast from the East. Ice Art from Harbin Anyone?


Have a go at making an igloo? With help from adults you can make snow bricks and a great den. How will you decorate the interior?

The Scandinavians have long dark winters but try to create warmth with candles, blankets etc What is Danish hygge?

Check out images of Harbin in China and their amazing snow and ice sculpture event for 3-D ideas.

Go to new places to enjoy the snow and the views. Take some pictures of wintry trees and then use these as an art inspiration. Victoria Crowe is an artist who has done just that. Google her.

What can you make with icicles? What can you make with powdery snow or another kind of snow.

Il neige. It is snowing in French. How many other languages can you say that in? The winner wins an ice-cream. Try making a fun-flavoured ice-cream outside!

If you can get on skis and sledges and swish through The White Stuff!


Kate Downie

P6 were making Japanese art we made blossom trees. We made the branches of a tree with black ink then we made the blossoms with red ink. Kate Downie is a famous artist for her blossom tree art. She added a person taking a picture of the tree. Her pictures are very relistic because she uses lots of different shades of colours to make it stand out. The colours of the branches get lighter the further it gets the same with the blossoms.