All posts by Miss Burton

P4 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 in Primary 4. I hope you have all had a peaceful and relaxing summer, and are feeling ready for our first term of this session.  We have spent the first two weeks of term building our community and we had a focus on the value of responsible.  Our IDL context this term is Crazy Climates and we are looking forward to learning about the weather and climate in The Rainforest, The Artic and Scotland. Our trip to Dynamic Earth on 3rd October will consolidate this learning.

Miss Prior & Ms Richmond

P4 Teachers

Learning Letter P4 Term 1

Nursery Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 in Mid Calder Nursery. I hope you have all had a peaceful and relaxing summer, and are now feeling refreshed.  This term the children are enjoying settling in to the nursery. They are getting to know new friends and new staff. We are confident your child will feel happy and secure in the nursery and will aim to provide a variety of experiences and opportunities that will help your child become a confident, lifelong learner, by capitalising on their individual strengths and qualities. We look forward to an exciting term.

Mrs Murray, Mrs Diamond, Mrs Aikman and Mrs Findlay

learning letter term 1

House Captain Election 2016

On Friday we held our annual House Captain Election. The presentations this year were of a very high standard and all P7s worked very hard to put together their manifestos under strict time limits. A big well done to all the Primary 7s who ran for election and congratulations to our new House and Vice Captains.


House Captain: Holly

Vice Captain: Sean


House Captain: Charlie T

Vice Captain: Louis


House Captain: Zach

Vice Captain: Grace


House Captain: Jamie

Vice Captain: Freya

Class of 2016

Every year West Lothian Council holds a ‘Class of …’ so Head Teachers can share interesting and new practice and they can find out about what’s new in education. On Friday Mrs McKenzie was invited along to Class of 2016 to share how we use ICT to support our learning and teaching at Mid Calder Primary. You can view the video below.

Magical Mediators Receive Scottish School Award

Today the Magical Mediators were invited to attend the Young Talks Conference at Dundee University organised by the Scottish Mediation Network.

We listened to presentations from Tam Baillie (The Children and Young People’s Commissioner in Scotland), Nick Patel (a Mediation Magician) and from people who have a full time career in Mediation. We also attended two different workshops.

We were one of two schools who were asked to share our peer mediation journey. Keira, Anna, Sean and Caitlin presented at the school’s showcase to over 100 participants.

We took part in a Skype video chat with a school in America, it was interesting to see how peer mediation operates in another country. We also watched a video about peer mediation in Scotland and it was lovely to see our P7 peer mediators from last year.

The biggest surprise of all was when we received the award for our Outstanding Contribution to Peer Mediation in Scotland by a School and the prize of a free mediation training session from Jeremy Scuse (the managing director at Catalyst Mediation Ltd).

We our so proud of our Magical Mediators, both from last session and this session and all their achievements – congratulations!