All posts by Miss Brolls

Burns Supper Boxes

The Global Machars Foodbank Appeal January/February 2017
The Global Citizenship JLT would appealled for food items for a Burns Supper meal for poor children in Dumfries and Galloway where Rabbie Burns grew up as a child. In his day boys would go poaching for fish or catching rabbits and taking gulls eggs to help families eat but nowadays lots of boys and girls don’t have enough to eat. Naomi came up with the idea to make them a Burns Supper meal through a foodbank donation.
We made up an action plan to ask for donations, box up the foodstuffs and distribute the made-up boxes. The contained:

UHT milk 1 litre
*Tins of Scotch Broth or Leek and Potato soup
Tins of Cullen Skink
*Tins of haggis
Tins of Mince
Tins of Stewing Steak
*Tins of boiled potatoes
*Tins of carrots
Tins of peas
Packets of Smash potato
*Packets of shortbread
*Tins of fruit cocktail
Tins of custard

We found out by researching foodbanks that poor folk often don’t have enough personal care items so they asked for donations of soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste too!
Many many thanks,
Yours aye,
the Global Citizenship JLT.


Modern Art Gallery Trip January 2017

naomi fraser  boys-buildingboys-buildingcotton-rivernaomifraser

untitledthe-three-lassiesrummaging-everyday-materialspaintingPrimary 2/3 loved their trip to the galleries of modern art in Edinburgh on Monday. They were going to look at some of Joan Eardley’s paintings and drawings. They were asked lots of questions by Fraser, an artist guide. They had to respond with what they saw and felt about the art works. James thought that Fraser was really kind and he learnt that anyone can be an artist. James found out that artists have to do a sketch before they do a painting. Cara learnt that Joan had done a lots of seascapes and landscapes. Rhuairdh learnt that Joan also painted portraits of children from Glasgow and the streets.
Miss Brolls ran two painting workshops to teach the children how to paint in layers, using ‘dirty’ colours. The children had to mix their colours on a palette using yellow ochre, cobalt blue, white and black. They made washes of colour with lots of water. They saw statues and artists’ models and Lucas loved Vulcan the large iron giant sculpture.

James learnt that dark colours such as grey and black shading a colour makes it ‘dirty’. He also used dry brush strokes to create more texture with his layers.

Now P2/3 have added dried grasses from Catterline, where Joan worked to add a final layer. Their mini-masterpieces are displayed in the art room in school.

By Cara, James and Rhuairdh with some help from Miss Brolls

Burns Competition P2/3

Rory and Cara won the class competition to recite Scots poems – The Bubblyjock and The Heron. They were full of enthusiasm and expression. The actions helped to turn the poems into great wee performances. Well done. Yours aye, Miss Brolls. We will be learning more Scots words in the week ahead in The Broons and Oor Wullie so if you have any old annuals to share please bring them in.

P2/3 Forest Foragers

Primary 2 and 3 Forage in the Forest 28th September 2016

The walk was brilliant – it is amazing how much more incidental learning happens when you get outdoors. We saw birds migrating, found cep boletus and examined the parts of the fungi, created journey sticks and transient artworks, recorded interesting finds on talking tins and i-pads, and gathered data from layers of the forest as tally marks. Some tasted brambles for the first time! On our next adventure this week we gathered rosehips to make a healthy syrup.


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