Tag Archives: core skills

Partnership visit to Nepal

Miss Rojboonthueng has been lucky enough to obtain further funding from the British Council to visit Chandeswari Secondary, our partner school in Nepal.  Following on from our previously successful visit and project on inclusion last year, we will be collaborating on a project centering around building peer support programmes between our schools and nearby schools for children with additional support needs.  Some Letham pupils have already begun a project working with some pupils from Beatlie nursery.  Our Chandeswari pupils will work to build relations with a nearby school for hearing impaired children.  Through the visit, we are planning to focus on developing the British Council core skills of citizenship, creativity and imagination and communication and collaboration.

Miss Rojboonthueng sets off next Thursday and pupils from Letham have also been setting her lots of challenges related to their interdisciplinary learning.  Primary 4 want Miss Rojboonthueng to find out about animals in Nepal to compare with their current topic on Scottish Wild animals, Primary 5 are learning about Natural Disasters and have asked her to find out how the children prepare for earthquakes and Primary 7, well that’s a surprise ….

Luckily Miss Rojboonthueng has been able to get an extra luggage allowance as she will be taking lots of books, kindly donated by the Letham pupils for Chandeswari school library.  It is a very exciting visit and Miss Rojboonthueng will be keeping us updated whilst in Nepal.