Category Archives: Primary 5

P5 Weaving

In p5 we have been doing weaving to look like tartan as part of our topic about Scotland. Here are some weaving examples. Here the weaving that Jemma and I did. I will tell you how you do it. You need a bit of paper cut and lots of strip of paper in 2 colours. Then you put one of them in and out and then you do the same with the other. The first one was hard but after you have done a couple then it is easy.

By MorganP1010315morgan

P5 Futsal

In p5 we have just stared learning how to play futsal.

We have stared by playing lots of games.

If you don’t know futsal is a bit like football but with a harder ball and it is played on a smaller indoor pitch. We are looking forward to playing more.

By Morgan


The Vikings


The Vikings’ shields were decorated with different patterns.They used the shields to protect themselves during war. We learned that the Vikings discovered Greenland. Miss Hewlett was a brilliant help. Chloe did a brilliant job because her shield was bright and colorful and neat. The other person that did well was Cara. I really liked Cara’s shield because it it was neat and tidy. The third person that did a good job is Alex. Her shield was excellent because it was bright and bold. We always try our best .