Category Archives: Primary 5

P5 Weekly update – Week Ending 24th Aug 18

Here we are, first week over and we’re all settling back into Letham Primary and Primary 5 with Mrs Rankin.

We will be completing a weekly school blog to update everyone on what we have been up to in school each week and hopefully have a few pictures to show everyone what we have been doing.

Here’s a few comments from the class on what has been going on in Primary 5 this week:

  • Leannah – this week we created our own Buckets for Bucket Fillers – these buckets can get filled when people are kind to us and we can fill someone else’s bucket by being kind.
  • Anna – we have been enjoying Snack & Read just before break-time.
  • Katie – we created our own World’s Worst Monsters as we have been hearing some stories from the World’s Worst Children book.
  • Abby – the monsters are actually quite good!
  • Amelia B – we designed our names for our tables to help Mrs Rankin get to know us.
  • Esau – we have made new bookmarks for our Snack & Read.
  • Amelia S – we visited the library to pick some books for our own class library.
  • Kerry – we drew a birthday card each so that everyone will get a birthday card this year from our very own creations.
  • Anna – we have been Solids, Liquids and Gasses with Mrs Zohoorian.
  • Isla – Mrs Rankin introduced Plickers to the class today with some maths questions.
  • Amelia S – thinking about what we would like on our classroom walls this year.
  • Kerry – we were completing booklets with a Passport to P5.
  • Cameron – we had Golden Time today!
  • Junior – we had a smart start with Today’s Number one morning.
  • Esau – we did a self-portrait to add to the walls.
  • Leannah – we talked about VCOP and everything else on our class walls at the beginning of the week.
  • Katie – we had our first assembly of the school year with Miss Wallace.

Have a nice weekend!

Primary 5

Primary 5 Weekly Blog

Primary 5 will being uploading a weekly blog detailing what we have been up to in class each week to allow parents/carers to see what they have enjoyed during their learning that week. We have already completed our blogs for the first 3 weeks but were unable to add these for you see.

I will upload these today and as of Friday, there will be a new blog each week so that you can ask your children what they have been up to in class and hopefully you can be more specific and get a longer conversation out of them!

The items added to the blog is the class suggestions and as the year goes on, they will become responsible for writing it and I will upload it for them after a little review.

I hope you will enjoy reading our weekly blogs!

Thank you.

Mrs Rankin

P5 on the field!

On Thursday P5 we went on the field to do sport on it then after we played games. We were in teams of 5. We ran around the field with a baton and we passed it on to the next person. It was called a relay. It was hard because we were trying to be fast.2014-relay-race-handing-over-natural-Kopie

By Morgan and Thomas

Travelling by Tuba

Yesterday ‘Travelling by Tuba’ visited our school. At the start of the day Chris and Stuart did a performance for us and showed us musical instruments from all over the world. All of us in p3, p4 and p5 had a workshops and learned how to play musical instruments. P3 learned to play a Spanish tune, P4 learned how to play Samba music and P5 learned to play a Mexican tune. I think we all felt really happy and nervous. My favourite part was when we got to perform because at half past two we all got to perform the music we had learned for the whole school.

By Jessica

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P5 Maths

In p5 we have been learning about length in maths. 1 cm also means 10mm and 2cm also means 20mm. Miss Hewlett gave us different sizes of rulers and we had to measure different lengths on a worksheet. I want to learn more. I understood it quite fast and I really enjoyed it!

By Morganruler

Time Masterclass

In the Support for Learning classroom we were looking at telling the time.  Children were revising using o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.  We also had a look at five minute intervals.  We did lots of active learning, such as making our own telling the time clocks, playing ‘what time is it?’ bingo and playing some fun interactive time games on the SMART board.