Primary 5 Weekly News

Well here we are at the end of term and we can’t believe how fast it has gone. It seems only a few weeks since we came back from the Christmas holidays. We welcomed Miss Dunnigan back to class this week and she’ll be with us for 4 weeks after the holidays as well.

Read on to hear what we have been up to:

  • We started the Human Body topic with Miss Dunnigan. We were learning about skeletons and which bones make this up. We used pasta and cotton buds to create our own skeletons and we will label these after the holidays.
  • In maths we were working on fractions and times tables to help improve our mental maths skills.
  • In literacy we were learning about summarizing this week and making sure we read the full text and summarise all of it.
  • In PE we were doing triple jump and were learning to hop, skip and jump. There were a few who may have an Olympic future!
  • We were preparing for our trip to Sky Academy and had to be split into 4 Studios and then each take on a role of either: editor, producer, reporter, presenter, expert, eyewitness and camera operators. We chose the topic is a volcano to do in our news report. Read below for more on our trip.

We had our trip to Sky Academy today and what a day! Everyone really enjoyed it and want to go back. The team at Sky were great and made sure everyone was involved with the news report. We worked between 4 studios which meant we had to communicate with each studio to find out what they were working on so our full news report flowed nicely. We got a tour of Sky 3 and heard about the jobs that people did in there. It was all really interesting. At the end, we got to view our full news report in the mini cinema. We were all really excited to see it as we hadn’t seen any of it. We all got a USB wristband with our video on it so hopefully these have been shared!

Some pictures of our skeletons and Sky Academy.

Have a lovely time over the Easter holidays and we’ll be back on Tuesday 23rd April!


P5 & Mrs Rankin


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