Primary 5 Weekly News

We welcomed everyone back to school this week for our last term in P5 including Miss Dunnigan who is with us for the first 4 weeks of the term. Quite a short term too with only 10 weeks for us.

PE Update – we have been asked to swap our PE slot on a Monday to a Tuesday to allow an external coach to use this with another class. So can pupils all please bring PE kits in on Tuesdays and Thursdays for this final term? A note has also been sent home with pupils.

Everyone has settled back into class and is looking forward to doing their best. Read on to hear what we have been doing.

  • Maths – we were looking at addition and subtraction with Miss Dunnigan and which strategies we know that can help us and how to lay this down in our jotters.
  • Literacy – we were looking at using our Prior Knowledge to help us with Thinking Reader this week. We looked at symbols, titles and book covers to get our minds working to help us predict what may happen when we heard a little bit more about these.
  • Vikings – we were finishing off our helmets on Thursday by painting these. We hope to bring them home next week.
  • PE – we started doing hockey with Miss Dunnigan. We were learning to dribble the ball and aim a shot between bean bags.
  • Human Body – we were finishing off our skeletons from the last week of term and labeling the bones we have on our skeletons.
  • Drama – we started some drama lessons and were learning to show expression by using our faces and arms to show emotions without saying anything. Some pupils were really good and we guessed them correctly.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Rankin & P5


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