A little bit late for last week, we apologise! Things were just a bit hectic with the Science event being held on Friday morning so we updated Mrs Rankin on Monday morning with our news. Please read on to hear what we were up to last week.
- Junior – we has visitors in school on Friday morning who have jobs where they need science subjects. We were talking to a man, Bryan, who works for a company where he gets to travel the world and his company works with Apple.
- Cameron – another visitor at the science event was a lady that had a bit of a lambs brain and someone else who looked at volcanic rocks and fossils – it was really good hearing about these jobs.
- Esau – we started a Sumdog competition between the West Lothian schools – this lasts for a week and is our maths homework for next week.
- Kerry – for warm-up in PE this week, we all played Line Tig and really enjoyed this.
- Abby – we were working on our second coat of paper mache for our Viking helmets – very messy!
- Blair – we made boats with Mrs Zohoorian and had to test if they floated or sank.
- Mia – we were practicing our French days of the week and singing songs to remind us.
We’ll add extra pictures next week to show you what’s been going on in class!
P5 & Mrs Rankin