Category Archives: Prmary 7

Week Beginning the 27th August 2018

Welcome back to Primary 7! This week we had a vote to decide upon our first topic, we decided to start our exciting year in P7 with ‘The Unsinkable Ship’ …we talked about what we knew about the Titanic and what we wanted to learn this term. We started our first week finding out ‘How the Ship was built’ we completed lots of different challenges and chose to really push ourselves hard by trying some HOTS challenges! In Maths we looked at rounding and estimating and how significant figures can help us to  estimate things in our daily lives. In Writing we started our first imaginative story focusing on lots of descriptive language to create a character description called ‘ The Shape Shifter’, we also revised how we can peer and self assess our own work. In RE we prepared for our first school mass.  We also presented our powerpoints to others in our school to say why we wanted to be house or sports captains…we are excited to see how the vote went, when we find out at assembly on Monday!


Week beginning the 21st August 2018

Welcome back to P7 we hope you had a lovely long summer and had time to enjoy the great weather ! We are settling well into our new class – We revised  ‘Children’s Rights and completed lots of ‘Rights’ Challenges. We worked in groups to discuss our class rules, and we created ‘Our Class Charter’. We  set our ‘Goals for the year’. We found out how to use  ICT to create tables and graphs and use these skills to complete different challenges. We revised Place Value in Maths. We helped our P1 buddies settle in to school!  We also started our applications for House Captains, Football Captain, Netball Captain and Sports Captain. We are very excited about the year ahead!


Week beginning the 11th June 2018

We are all very tired because we put on our Rockstar performance on Tuseday night at school and then our Rockband performance on Wednesday night at the Howden park Centre. We were all very nervous but we really enjoyed singing the songs and playing the keyboard, guitar and drums for a live audience! Well done to Pip who won the Scottish Book Trust award and the Young Writer of the year awards with her poem ‘Ma Grandad’. Some of us went tot St. Kent’s for our transition and we loved it, we can’t wait to move up now! We finished all of our ‘Transition’ work and then we created our own ‘Pop Art’ pictures.


Week beginning the 4th June 2018

Hi everyone, it has been  hectic  in P7.

This week in:

  • ICT we focused a lot of our time on creating our Transition Sway ‘All About Me’  presentations to share with all of the other pupils  in the cluster.
  • Music and Drama – We learnt a lot of songs and cool moves for our Rookie Rockstar performances
  • We took part in the Interschool’s Rugby Festival- and the girls team came in joint ‘First’ place..well done girls!


Week Beginnin gthe 28th May 2018

Welcome back to our blog! This week in Primary 7

  • In Literacy wrote an imaginative story titled ‘Stuck In the Story’
  • In Maths we have investigated Number Sequences
  • In Topic we have continued to set up our Rock bands – we created our popstars, our puppets, and started worked on our CD covers and merchandising!
  • In ICT we created an i-movie to share with other P7 classes as part of our Transition project.

Week beginning the 21st of May 2018

Hi all, we have had a great week in P7 ….taking part in lots of sporting activities.

We started off our week with Boot Camp which was very tough! We also had a visit from the ‘Police’ to tell us a bot about their job. We had Sports Day on Tuesday and a visit from the  RNLI to talk about water safety. We also played Netball, Football , Rounders and Martial Arts, but out favourite was Boogie Bounce! It has been a great week at St. Joes’s !

Week beginning the 14th May 2018

Hello from Primary 7…. this week:

  • In Literacy we have studied the sad poem Timothy Winters and wrote a critical essay using PEE chains.
  • In Maths we have completed our block on Time and started our assessments
  • In Art we completed our Manga portraits and started to design our own pop stars
  • We also continued to practise for our Rock Band performance
  • We found out more about touch rugby
  • We packed bags with Mary’s Meals for children in Malawi
  • We helped our buddies with their Learning profiles


Week beginning the 9th May 2018

We hope you had a nice long weekend.

This week in Primary 7 :

  • we visited LPS and PC Hunter our Community Police Officer told us  how to stay safe on line
  • we led our schools ‘May Procession’
  • we delivered our Japanese news reports to the class
  • we helped P1 with their Ascension Thursday Mass
  • we completed our pictures in Japanese Manga style
  • we found out about the job the Deacons Court do