Week Beginning the 27th August 2018

Welcome back to Primary 7! This week we had a vote to decide upon our first topic, we decided to start our exciting year in P7 with ‘The Unsinkable Ship’ …we talked about what we knew about the Titanic and what we wanted to learn this term. We started our first week finding out ‘How the Ship was built’ we completed lots of different challenges and chose to really push ourselves hard by trying some HOTS challenges! In Maths we looked at rounding and estimating and how significant figures can help us to  estimate things in our daily lives. In Writing we started our first imaginative story focusing on lots of descriptive language to create a character description called ‘ The Shape Shifter’, we also revised how we can peer and self assess our own work. In RE we prepared for our first school mass.  We also presented our powerpoints to others in our school to say why we wanted to be house or sports captains…we are excited to see how the vote went, when we find out at assembly on Monday!


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