Hi P2, I hope you all had a lovely morning. I can’t believe it is you last day of P2! What a journey it has been, from our first days together we have made some great memories. I remember all your scary Halloween costumes, the fun and great dancing at our Christmas Party and our Nessie song on Burn’s Day!
Have an amazing summer, stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all back in August!
Well P2 it’s the last day of term and it has certainly been different!
I have loved being your P2 teacher and I am looking forward to catching up with everyone in August. I will be in touch before the end of today but just wanted to say have a fun Friday and a fantastic summer holiday!
I cannot believe this is our last afternoon of P2! I hope you are all having fun with the activities. I am looking forward to seeing your castle designs.
Good Morning. What a lovely day. For our last P.E. I have 2 activities that you can try outside. Noughts and Crosses and Rock, Paper, Scissors. Hope you have a lovely summer and I’m looking forward to seeing you all in August.
The Summer Reading challenge has gone digital this year to ensure children can still take part even though they’re unable to visit our libraries just now. Here are some details of this year’s challenge and information on how to join in: