Category Archives: Primary 2

Week beginning 22nd of January

Primary 2 delivered an amazing performance of Katie Bairdie to the school community on Friday.  We have been learning about Scots language and created a Gruffalo ‘Wanted’ poster in Scots.  In topic we have been learning about the different ways farmers care for their animals.  We have enjoyed role play activities in our farm shop and created some amazing farm buildings with lego.


Week beginning 15th of January

This week primary 2 have been learning to word build with the soft c sound.  We have been writing a story using ‘Rosie’s Walk’ as a stimulus with a focus on prepositions.  In topic we have been learning about food which comes from plants and animals.  We played a game to match the food items to the animal or plant it comes from.  We worked as a team to build fantastic snowmen in the playground!

Week beginning 8th of January 2018

Happy New Year!  Hope you have had a lovely holiday.  Primary 2 have had a great start to the term by learning about our new topic ‘Farm to Fork’.  We have written imaginative stories about a walk in the Winter,  We used oil pastels and paint to make a Winter tree picture.   We have started practising our Scottish song ‘Katie Bairdie’ to present at our Burn’s Assembly.


Week beginning the 11th of December

Congratulations to primary 1 and 2 on a fantastic nativity!  They worked so hard and performed two fantastic shows to the school community.  Well done to primary 2 on a super performance of the song ‘Around the World’ you sang beautifully!  We had a very yummy Christmas lunch with turkey, ice cream and juice!  We continued our class talks on our favourite toy.

Week beginning 4th of December

Primary 2 made finger print Rudolph the Reindeer and Christmas tree cards to sell at our Christmas Fayre last Friday.  We walked to the church on Wednesday to run through the nativity and practise our lines.  We started our class talks on our favourite toy.  We described our toy, where we got it and what we like to do with it.  In P.E we learned some traditional dances.

Week beginning the 20th of November

Primary 2 have been learning to write problems and draw pictures to show our understanding of addition.  We have been working on ‘Think Boards’ which brings together concrete, visual and abstract concepts of number.  We have been learning about the artist Piet Mondrian and have reflected on his work to produce our own artusing primary colours.



Week beginning the 30th of October

This week primary 2 dressed up for Halloween and paraded in front of the school!  We wrote an Acrostic poem all about Fireworks, we thought of some fantastic adjectives!  We went to mass with Father Paul to celebrate ‘All Saints day’.  We have been learning ball skills in P.E with Mrs McMaster.  We began singing the songs for our nativity ‘Granpa’s Nativity Story’.

P2 – Week Beginning the 24th October 2017

This week primary 2 have been learning about the properties of 2D shape.  We have been describing the number of edges and corners of squares, circles, rectangles, triangles and hexagons.  We have been for a shape hunt in the playground to find examples of 2D shapes and used 2D shapes to design a robot. We listened to a live broadcast from the author Kes Gray who told the story ‘Quick Quack Quentin’.  We listened to the story ‘Room on a Broom’ by Julia Donaldson and drew and labelled a picture of the Witch with adjectives from the story.


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At St Joseph’s, we strive to encourage each child to develop to their fullest potential through the provision of a broad-based curriculum. Please take a moment to read more about our aims and values.

Our school has a warm family atmosphere, where children are nurtured and able to learn in a safe and happy environment.

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