Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

April 20, 2020
by Miss Hanlon

P4 Suggested Activities

P4 Suggested Activities

Good afternoon and Welcome back!

I hope we have all had a lovely and relaxing holiday.

I have added this file onto the Teams page already and you will find most of the suggested activities within the folders in Teams. I know we are all still having some issues with teams, so I have tried to include some of the activities below as well, so that you can access them from here.

Please let us know if you are having any issues with accessing any of these.

I hope you have a lovely week.

Miss Hanlon.

P4 Suggested Activities 3


Picture Sudoku

Good To Be Me Comprehension

Haunted House – Snapshot Mat

Digraph Spinner

Social Scenes Set 1

Conversation Cards

Design an Easter Egg Template

Navigate the map


April 20, 2020
by Miss Hanlon

P4 Suggested Activities

Good afternoon and Welcome back!

I hope we have all had a lovely and relaxing holiday.

I have added this file onto the Teams page already and you will find most of the suggested activities within the folders in Teams. I know we are all still having some issues with teams, so I have tried to include some of the activities below as well, so that you can access them from here.

Please let us know if you are having any issues with accessing any of these.

I hope you have a lovely week.

Miss Hanlon.

P4 Suggested Activities 3


Conversation Cards

Design an Easter Egg Template

Navigate the map

Picture Sudoku

Haunted House – Snapshot Mat

Social Scenes Set 1

Digraph Spinner

Good To Be Me Comprehension


Good Afternoon Primary 7,

I have attached our weekly literacy assignment for you to complete. This has also been posted on Teams for you to edit and upload or you may choose to write out your answers by hand. Weekly maths assignments are to be completed on sumdog.

Dance Monkey- Comprehension

Inference Information

Thank you,

Mrs Ross

April 20, 2020
by Miss Barclay

Primary 4 Health and Wellbeing Assignment – Keeping Safe Around Medicines

Hey Everyone!

Miss Hanlon and I will be setting a new assignment. This is a topic which we should be doing right now in school. All the documents you need are here. I will also upload it as an assignment on Teams so that you can submit your work!

Keeping Safe Around Medicines Topic READ ME FIRST

Keeping Safe Around Medicine Power Point

Medicine Questions Spinner

What if… Cards

Keeping Safe Around Medicine Quiz

April 20, 2020
by User deactivated

Support for Learning at Home for Children with Additional Support Needs

We are aware that it can be particularly challenging to support learning at home for pupils who have additional support needs and we would, therefore, like to draw your attention to the following sources of help and advice.

Parentzone: provides advice as to how parents/carers can support their child’s learning at home

CALL Scotland: has information on tools that parents/carers can use to support home learning

Reach: provides information to young people on coping whilst schools are closed

Enquire: provides advice for parents/carers of children with additional support needs.


April 20, 2020
by Miss Buchanan

Fingerspelling Challenge 2

Hello again Primary 3!

Here is our second fingerspelling challenge. There are three words for you to try and figure out. The words are all animals again but a little harder this time.
Can you figure out Word 1, Word 2 AND Word 3? Comment below with your answers. Remember try not to look at the other comments before you figure your answers out. Can’t wait to see.

If you want to really challenge yourself you can play this fingerspelling challenge game – https://www.british-sign.co.uk/fingerspelling-game/




April 20, 2020
by Miss Barclay

Welcome Back! – Primary 4 Maths Assignment

Hey everyone!

I hope you all had a great holiday and got to enjoy some of the sunshine over Easter! On our teams page there is a new assignment on Fractions of Amounts. This is what we were working on just before we were off. Here are the instructions and files you need to complete the assignment if you are struggling to access teams or the assignment. Good luck and be sure to let us know how you get on with it!


  1. Open the Power Point and click the speakers on each slide for my instructions. I hope I have made it clear to understand!
  2. After you have gone through the entire Power Point, chose from a mild, spicy or hot task. I have recorded a quick description of each task to help you choose
  3. Record your answers in the way that works best for you. You could do it on paper and take a photo, use Mathsbot.com and take a screenshot or upload a word document
  4. The spicy and hot tasks are worded problems so remember if in doubt, draw it out!


Fractions of Amounts Supporting Power Point

Hot Activity       Mild Activity        Spicy Activity

April 20, 2020
by Miss Suen

Here we go Primary1!

Good morning Primary 1! What a lovely day with the sun shining through the window!

Our little plant is absolutely loving it!

We hope you had a good Easter holiday and spent some time outdoors for your daily exercise.

Attached are the Maths and Literacy P1 Learning grids for the next 2 week. Take your time and try your best! You can also do a little reading on Oxford owl or Reading Wise, writing and drawing in your jotter and even counting anything you can find!

Remember to go on Sumdog ! There are challenges set for you!

You can work at your own pace,  Mrs Carr, Mrs Meek and I will be able to look at the amazing work you’ve done! You can also choose different Maths games (as well as spelling and reading) by yourself. We know some of you have been working hard with them – well done! For those of you still to give it a go – go on, try it this week – it’s fun!

If you want to try other games, Topmarks is also a good website to visit! Go and explore with your parents/carers, brothers/sisters! I certainly had a lot of fun trying out some of the games 🙂

These two are my favourite telling the time games:
On Time

Telling the Time

Feel free to leave a comment if you are unsure of anything or you just want to say hi and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Have fun learning! I will be back later this afternoon with another story about Flo by Jane Simmons!

Mrs Carr, Mrs Meek and  Ms Suen

20_04_20 Maths Grid

20_04_20 Literacy Grid

20_04_20 Words

April 20, 2020
by Miss Buchanan

Minecraft Education Edition

Good morning Primary 3!

Minecraft are allowing access to their Education Edition for free at the moment so if you have played or wanted to play now is a great time. To access follow this link – https://education.minecraft.net/login/

There are lots of different challenges you can complete and a range of lessons for across the curriculum. There are lessons for all ages but make sure you look for challenges/lessons that are specific for your age group. You will need an email address to be able to login. You may also need to download the app to your computer/tablet.


Let me know if you have a go and how you get on!


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