Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

May 25, 2020
by Mrs Russell

P3 Week 8

Good morning Primary 3, Miss Buchanan and I hope that you have all had a good week. The weather has not been so nice over the weekend, however, I think it’s supposed to improve from today. Have any of you been completing Sean Batty’s weather challenges? Thankfully there hasn’t been too much rainfall to measure!

Here is this weeks home learning grid and the resources needed. Remember the most important ones are for Maths and Literacy (in yellow). Try to get outside for some exercise too as this will help to keep you fit!

Missing you all.

Mrs Russell

Spelling Bingo Challenge Wk 8(1)

SCIENCE – Fireworks in a Glass

Spelling Words Week 5 ss and ub (1)

Spelling Words Week 6 ll and ug (1)

Spelling Words Week 7 ff and ud (1)

First Level Learning Grid Week 8 (1)

multiplication_questions Circles Week 8(1)

multiplication_questions Tri and Squ Week 8(1)

May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Grammar Task

Good morning P.4!

WALT: Identify common nouns, proper nouns, adjectives and comparative adjectives.

WALT: understand what a comparative adjective is.

This week we are going to continue learning about verbs, adjectives and adverbs through some fun games. First of all, practise you understanding of adjectives with the Adjective Detective game: https://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/learning-activities/languages/words/adjective-detective/

Secondly, practise sorting your nouns and adjectives with this game: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?e=spelling-grammar01

This game asks you to sort between adjectives and comparative adjectives. A comparative adjective is a word that describes something in comparison with something else, for example, bigger, smaller, longer, taller.

Have fun!

Mrs Black

May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Groups 2, 3 & 4 Phonics: Week Beginning 25th May

Morning Phonics Pupils and Parents,

I hope you are managing to join in with some of the live RWInc lessons. Please do get in touch with any questions or feedback. There will be no live lesson on Monday due to the English holidays, and they will run Tues – Friday. 

Groups 2, 3 & 4 will still be following Set 2, and this week they will be covering ou, oy, ay, ee. For some this will be consolidation, and for others it will be completely new.

1: Go to Ruth Miskin Training on youtube. Watch Set 2 Speed Sounds & Word Time at 10am, then the Spelling at 10.15am. The videos will be available for 24hrs so you can watch later in the day. TOP TIP: I’ve found it easier to go onto the channel half hour later than the live, so it’s definitely there and it avoids the live delay that sometimes happens.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

Optional Extras

2: Go to the Oxford Owl website (all children should have been given a login). Login first, then come back to this page and click this link.  Set 2 Speed Sounds book – this is an interactive book that you can use to practise the sounds again, or even use the pen tool to practise writing over the top on the screen. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29317.html

3: Staying on the Oxford Owl page, if you scroll down slightly from the Set 2 Speed Sounds, you’ll see individual Speed Sound practice sheets. Select the one that matches each days phonics video. If you have access to a printer, print off the relevant sheet. If you don’t, try and do something similar on a blank piece of paper, or in your child’s home learning jotter. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/#set1

4: Practice the Speedy Green Words. Try these first https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29097.html

If your child found these words easy and read them at sight without sounding out, try these ones https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29093.html

Hopefully all the links work and you manage to access everything. Finally, there’s a lot of content here. Please don’t feel you have to do it all, just dip in and out of what you can, and what works around your family / work / life balance.

Mrs Black

May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Live Reading Sessions and more….

Morning P.2!

In addition to the live daily phonics lessons on the Ruth Miskin Training youtube channel, they are also running daily story sessions called ‘Storytime with Nick’. You can access them through the Ruth Miskin Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogeOeChNIfU&t=4s

They’ve also produced a new information page for parents during this ‘home school’ time, which has lots of helpful links and videos, particularly helpful for pupils in Mrs Black’s phonics groups: https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/find-out-more/parents/?fbclid=IwAR26yNpUPRc7yy7ngU9z1jAt1H_mtzNho3GKHWf_qe1LXF0mKmptgAEYw1A

Finally, if you are following any of the live phonic sessions, it’s worthwhile following Ruth Miskin Training on Facebook to stay up to date with information – https://www.facebook.com/miskin.education/

Mrs Black

May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Health & Wellbeing: Week Beginning 25th May

Good morning P.2!

This will be the last in our series of lessons about keeping safe online and with technology. Watch episode 3 of Jessie & Friends https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/jessie-and-friends-videos/

Here are some suggested questions to ask your child once you have read the
storybook together. Asking questions can help you check their understanding and
start a conversation about their safety online.

1. What were Jessie, Tia and Mo’s power words in the Avelzon game?
2. How did the mystery gamer trick Jessie and her friends into telling her their
power words?
3. What did Jessie do when the mystery gamer tricked them in the game?
(Once answered, who else could they have told? Who would you tell if you were worried
about something that happened whilst playing a game?)
4. Did Jessie know that the mystery gamer was really her sister Amber?
5. What did Jessie’s dad tell Jessie, Tia and Mo to do with their power words after
they were shared and no longer private?

Have a great week!

Mrs Black

May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

P.4 Writing Task

Good morning P.4!

This weeks writing task is an extended writing task. I’d like you to take your work from the last few weeks and write out the up-levelled sentences you have got so far, Your new task is to continue the paragraph with the rest of the story…. what happens next?

Think about the following questions –

Does the bunny go through the hedge?

If he does, what does he see / hear / experience?

If he doesn’t. why not? What does he do instead?

Once you’ve written your paragraph, go through it one sentence at a time and try to up-level your nouns and verbs. Focus on finding the noun, adding an adjective, then finding the verb, adding an adverb. Challenge – try to include an interesting opener.

YOU CAN DO THIS! Let your imagination fun free!

Mrs Black

May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Group 1 Phonics: Week Beginning 25th May

Morning Group 1 Phonics Pupils and Parents,

I do hope you’re managing to access these live RWInc lessons, please do get in touch with any feedback or questions. This week there will be no live lessons on Monday due to the English holidays. Lessons will run Tuesday – Friday.

As always, there will be a ‘Sounds’ lesson, and a ‘Spelling’ lesson. This week they’ll be covering d, t, i, n.  If your child finds the spelling lesson too challenging, just pretend you’re the pupil and model it to them.

If you are joining in the live lessons, this is more than enough practise, so treat steps 2-4 below as optional extras. If you can’t access the YouTube videos, then Steps 2-4 below will provide plenty other activities.

1: Go to Ruth Miskin Training on youtube. Watch Set 1 Speed Sounds, Word Time & Spelling lessons. They start at 9.30, 9.45 & 10am, but will be available for 24hrs so you can watch later in the day. I’ve found it easier to go on half hour later than the live time to avoid the delay. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

Optional Extras

2: Go to the Oxford Owl website (all children should have been given a login). Login first, then come back to this page and click this link.  Set 1 Speed Sounds book – this is an interactive book that lets your child practise the letter formation directly on the screen. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29318.html

3: Staying on the Oxford Owl page, if you scroll down slightly from the Set 1 Speed Sounds, you’ll see individual Speed Sound practice sheets. Select the one that matches each days phonics video. If you have access to a printer, print off the relevant sheet. If you don’t, try and do something similar on a blank piece of paper, or in your child’s home learning jotter. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/#set1

4: Practice the Speedy Green Words – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29096.html

Hopefully all the links work and you manage to access everything. Finally, there’s a lot of content here. Please don’t feel you have to do it all, just dip in and out of what you can, and what works around your family / work / life balance.

Mrs Black

May 24, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Primary 5: Home Learning 25th May

Here we are now in the last week of May! We have been so impressed with the work and effort you have put into home learning over the past few weeks, and have enjoyed hearing/seeing all the other things you have been up to outside of the work that has been set: cooking; going for walks; helping your siblings; building dens; to name but a few. Keep up the brilliant work everyone!

Please ensure you use the supporting materials to help you, as well as having access to them here you can find them on Teams (P5 2019-20 > General channel > Files > Weekly Resources > 25th May).
Priority tasks should be uploaded into the appropriate Assignment.
Any additional work should be uploaded into your own ‘Personal Folder’ (P5 2019-20 > General channel > Files > Personal Folders).

This week’s home learning grid can be found here: 25th May Home Learning
Continue Reading →

May 23, 2020
by User deactivated

Cloud Spotting

Saturday 23rd May 2020

Did you know that every cloud can be identified as one of ten different types? I have included a cloud spotting guide below which will teach you the difference between them. The names of each cloud can be a bit difficult to say, so why not make up your own? Cirrus clouds could be ‘feather’ clouds, Cumulous clouds look a lot like cotton wool or sheep and Altostratus can resemble flying saucers!

Cloud Spotting Guide

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