Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

June 22, 2020
by Miss Barclay

Primary 4 Home Learning 22.06.20

Morning Everyone!

I can’t quite believe this is our last week of term!

Miss Hanlon and I are so proud of the effort you have put into learning at home and we know how tricky it must have been at times. Normally this week would be a chance for you to complete fun, end of term activities which would allow us to reflect on what a great year we have had.

This week we don’t have a learning grid for you to complete. Many of you still have to complete the assignments set for you so this is a great chance for you to get caught up. For those of you who have completed all the tasks set, here are some activities for you to complete this week. Feel free to hand in any completed 2020 Review Sheets or Letter to My Teacher sheets to school so that you new teacher can read them. You could also keep them in a safe place to hand in next term.

2020 Review         Letter To My Teacher         End of Term Activity Book

Have a lovely week,

Miss Barclay & Miss Hanlon

June 22, 2020
by Miss Buchanan

Primary 3 Week 12

Good morning Primary 3!

Wow, can you believe this is the last week before the summer holidays!? Mrs Russell and I are so sad that we haven’t been able to see you in over 12 weeks 🙁 We are missing you all and can’t wait till we can see you in the next school year!

Below are some activities for your final week of learning.
If you would like anything extra to work on this week I have also attached a learning grid.
There will be no new spelling words this week, just revision of the sounds you have been working on at home.

End of Term Activity Book
End of Year Booklet
End of school year round up blether stations

First Level Learning Grid Week 12

This week I have been going on walks with Otter and he has been swimming for sticks just like a real life Otter. I am very proud of him., but not as proud as I am with all of the hard work you have been putting in on your home learning 🙂  Thank you to VD, MB and KG for sending in your work!

Here is a wee video of Otter swimming for a stick: Otter Swimming

June 22, 2020
by User deactivated

Final week of term! P1 & P2/1 😃

Hello everyone! 😊

I can hardly believe this is our last week of term before the Summer holidays! 🌞 It doesn’t really feel like it though, does it?  I think you will agree it’s been a very strange time recently. As this is our last week in P1 and P2/1 we decided not to give you any Literacy or Maths work to do, so that is why there are no Learning Grids today.

A new Sumdog  competition started last Friday so it would be great if some of you could take part in that again!

We hope you have enjoyed all our activities and it has been so nice seeing all the things you have been doing since the school closed in March. Thank you very much to all the children (and their parents/carers)  who have shared their work with us! 👍😊🏆

LM and MMcK  sent in photos of some of the things they had been doing last week.

LM made this fantastic castle!

MMcK enjoyed a trip out to pick up a McDonald’s Happy Meal. 😊

Have a look below to see if you would like to try out any of these fun activities.

End of Term Activity Book  (Click on “GO” to take you to the website for each activity)





Here are some easy Summer crafts to get you in the mood for your holidays!


If you like Minions and would like to have a go at drawing one, have a look at the clip below.


Enjoy the last week of term everyone!

Mrs Meek, Ms Suen and Mrs Carr 😊😊😊

June 22, 2020
by User deactivated

P.2 Health & Wellbeing for Week Beginning 22nd June

Good morning P.2 Pupils and Parents!

This week we are continuing to learn about healthy foods, and I have a challenge for you! I’d like you all to use this week’s activity to try a healthy food that you usually don’t eat. Let’s see if we add something new to your diet!

We Are Learning To: understand how important sight and smell are in helping us TASTE our foods.

We Are Learning To: eat more healthy foods in our diet.


First of all, watch this video to see how the food tasters get on without being able to use all their senses – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF1-paORD-M

Next, print off the Food Scientist Placemat (you may want to print off a few copies) and use it to explore different foods. (If you don’t have a printer remember you can collect copies from school.) You might want to try it with your eyes covered, or your nose pinched to see the difference it makes. You can incorporate this into snack and meal times – adults, this is a great way to get the kids to try out things that they normally won’t! I have a 6 yr old very fussy eater in my house and we use this with a blindfold to try new things and make it into a game!

Food Placemat

I’d love to see how you get on with this. Let me know if things still taste as good (or as bad!) with some of your senses taken away!

Mrs Black

June 22, 2020
by User deactivated

P.4 Writing Activity for Week Beginning 22nd June

Good morning P.4!

I can’t quite believe we’re in the last week of term, can you?

This week I’d like you to use the Isolation picture, dated June 25th – https://www.pobble365.com/isolation

I think this might be quite an interesting one to do given that we’ve been quite isolated ourselves for the last few months!

Please make sure you follow the link, as the pictures were jumping to October for some reason. If you have any issues getting it to load, use the calendar tab in the top right corner to choose June 25th.

Just like in the last few weeks, start with Question Time – find somebody to have a chat with about the picture. No need to write anything down.

Next, try Sick Sentences, then choose one Story Starter and have a go at continuing and finishing the story.

The pack is attached for anybody that prefers to print it out. Isolation

I hope you enjoy a well earned rest from home-school when Friday comes, and I’ll look forward to seeing you in August.

Mrs Black

June 22, 2020
by User deactivated

Phonics for Week Beginning 22nd June – ALL of Mrs Blacks Goups

Good morning boy and girls (and adults!)

Well I can’t quite believe we’re in the final week of the school term! For this week, keep following the same pattern with the Read Write Inc lessons on YouTube. All the links are in the previous posts and will take you to all the resources you need.

Exciting News! The Ruth Miskin Training Facebook page announced this week that they will continue to run the live lessons right through to the end of August. So if you want to keep practising over the summer, you have access to the youtube lessons, as well as all the resources on Oxford Owl.

I’ve attached a photo outlining all the different lessons available as a reminder.

I hope you all enjoy a well earned break from home-school when Friday comes, and I’ll look forward to seeing everyone in August!

Mrs Black

June 21, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Primary 5: Home Learning 22nd June

Hello boys and girls!

Can you believe that we are now in the final week of Primary 5? Sometimes it feels like just yesterday we were in school together but sometimes it feels like a life time away. We hope you are all keeping well and are looking forward to the summer holidays.

Below are a range of different activities to try. The ones with an asterisk (*) are ones we would like you to complete so we can hand on to your new teacher. If completing them on paper, can you please either take a photo and upload into your personal folder or hand into the school office.

Mrs Davies and I have a few meetings next week and will be in school to organise our classrooms, so please be aware we may not always be contactable on Teams.

Keep an eye out for an announcement on Wednesday this week!

Enjoy your final week in Primary 5.


Mrs Davies & Miss Gorman

Health & Well-being
Wellbeing Questionnaire* (pages 3-4)
Getting to Know You Booklet*
SHANARRI Wellbeing Evaulation activity*
End of school year round-up Discussion activity


  • 23rd June 1989 – Batman Premiered in cinemas. Create a comic with your favourite superheroes or design your own superhero.
  • 24th June 1901 – Pablo Picasso held his first exhibition. Research and then create a piece of art work in the style of Picasso
  • 25th June 1852 – Antoni Gaudi was born. He is most well known for designing the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. Draw a picture of part of the Sagrada Familia (try to focus on the small details)

A Little Bit of Everything!
end of year booklet
End of Term Activity Book (1) – This is an interactive PDF. Click the ‘Go’ icon to be taken to the activity.
Ice Lolly Recipe Ideas
Summer word search (online)
My star moments at home
CBBC Quizzes (online) or Newsround Quiz of the Week (online)
P5 General Knowledge Quiz (PowerPoint)
P5 (Y4) Summer Themed Maths Booklet – Questions

June 19, 2020
by Miss Suen

One more week to go!

Hello Primary 1 and Primary 2/1

Hope you are all well and enjoying a bit of rain this week! If the weather doesn’t get any better , here is a little task you can do! Just before Easter, some of you were beginning to learn how to do your shoe laces ! SF was getting the hang of it and was very keen to help her friends with their shoe laces.

Here is a video showing you how to tie shoe laces. Before you start, make sure you have a shoe with you and longer laces for your to practise with.

Ms Suen was back in our classroom tidying up and saw this!

When you first start primary 1, you wrote your name here! Can you still find your name? Your hand writing and letter formation has improved so much throughout the year! You should be very proud of the progress you’ve made!

We never got to have our little treat! We were saving our thumbs up  as we were going to ask if we can go to the park as our 20 thumbs up reward! We already have 15 which means we only needed 5 more to 20! Well done P1S!

A little update on my sun flower!

Look at how tall it is :)🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 It is almost as tall as my fence!

It also developed a bud! So hopefully it will flower soon. 🙂

Ms Suen also planted some potatoes a while back and look at them! You won’t be able to see the potatoes until harvest time as they grown under the soil! Look at those little white flowers though, aren’t they pretty?

Have a good weekend!


June 19, 2020
by Mrs Ross

Week Beginning 22nd of June

Good Morning Primary 7,

Here are some activities for the final week of term for you to complete. It was lovely to see lots of you in school this week even if it was only for a short time!

Take care,

Miss McKean and Mrs Ross


End of Term Activity Book (1)

end of year booklet




June 19, 2020
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Kim’s Game

Friday 19th June 2020

Good morning boys and girls :-). As we only have 1 week to go before our holidays this will be the last challenge that I put up on our Learning Hub.  This will be the 86th challenge that I have put up since the start of lockdown so there should be plenty of activities to try out if you are bored during the holidays!  I hope that you have enjoyed them and thanks to everyone who has tried some and shared their experiences over the last few months.

Our last challenge is a classic game for all the family and great for improving your memory skills.  Put a variety of objects on a tray (5 is quite a good number to start with) and ask a partner to look carefully at them for about thirty seconds. Take the tray away and ask them to call out what they remember. Another way of playing the game is to cover the things, take one thing away and ask your partner to spot what is missing. You can put more things on the tray as they get better. (The name, Kim’s Game, come’s from Rudyard Kipling’s 1901 novel Kim, in which the hero, Kim, plays the game during his training as a spy.). Enjoy!


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