P1 Supporting Docs WB 22 06 20
Happy last week of term, Primary 1!
We miss you all so much and looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!
P1 Supporting Docs WB 22 06 20
Happy last week of term, Primary 1!
We miss you all so much and looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!
Hi boys and girls! I cannot believe this is our last week before the holidays! I hope you are all well. I have decided to set you a musical ‘Song Challenge’. Find as many of these as you can!
Find a song that…
Have fun!
Mrs Meek xx
Try some of these challenges!
Enjoy some great stories online by scanning the QR codes! Happy listening 🙂
Virtual Sports Day Sway: https://sway.office.com/CIhDIiDWnGaFEDbB?ref=Link
Virtual Sports Day Results Form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKXdPCDo8OmNDtpfzqO1YlXhUMUdHOTkzQVVFWjVVVjg3SDRLUUpaNjNVRi4u
Sports, Health and Fitness Fortnight Activities Sway: https://sway.office.com/uiCWuUMIDtbPJfwY?ref=Link
Wee Summer Sing is a completely free project for children aged 5–8.
Every Monday to Thursday from 1–26 June NYCOS will post a song or rhyme with an accompanying game. On Friday of each week, they will have a live session where they will sing all their favourites together.
Over the course of the project the children will learn new songs, develop musical skills and gain confidence.
Here is a link to a wee video which explains what ‘Wee Summer Sing’ is all about.
Here is the link for week 1 of the ‘Wee Summer Sing’. Karen Clark was the first presenter for Wee Summer Sing and she chose animals as her topic for the week. I hope you enjoy it!
Here are the links for the songs:
Hello boys and girls! I hope you have all had a lovely, relaxing weekend. I have posted a new lesson up for all Primary classes online! To access these please log in to Yumu. I hope you enjoy all the activities.
Take care
Mrs Meek x