2 thoughts on “Primary 1 Learning Sway for Week Beginning 01.06.20”

  1. Hi Miss Wilson,

    K is feeling good today, we have been an 8k walk, done some farmhouse on sumdog as well as some of the other games on it.

    K enjoyed the rhyming words task and found the word but funny because it sounds like butt.

    Over the weekend K has been enjoying the sun in the paddling pool, water fights in the garden, and has also been helping with bbqs.

    K is asking how your weekend was?

  2. Hi K,

    I must have missed you somehow yesterday! I am so happy that you keep me updated on how you are doing, it is always so nice to hear from you. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Did you wear lots of sunscreen? My weekend was really good as well, thank you for asking. I did very similar things to you bar enjoying a paddle pool as I don’t have one sadly.

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