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Good Morning Primary 1!

What is your favourite colour? Tell me in the comments box along with how you are feeling today.

Here are your maths, literacy and health & well being activities for the day!

31.03.2020 PDF

If you have any work you are very proud of and would like to show me please send it to the school’s email- it will get passed on to me.

Please don’t forget to log in to Bug Club and/or Sumdog! Just a reminder… when on Bugclub click on the bugs inside the book to answer the questions! After the questions are completed you can close the book!

Best wishes,

Miss Wilson

P2 – Thursday 26th March 2020

Good Morning Primary 2! 

A good morning message from me



This morning’s learning challenges are as follows (everyone can attempt mild, and if you fancy a challenge you can try Spicy).


Don’t forget, to log in to Bug Club and/or Sumdog and check out all the websites and work tasks in your Home Learning Packs.

Let me know how you get on in the comment box.

Miss Young 🙂




Primary 1 Home Learning 26.03.20

Good Morning Primary 1

I was so happy to hear from some children in primary 1 yesterday! I can’t wait to speak to some of you today! I have woken up very happy today and started my morning with some exercises to get my body and brain ready for the day!

Who made a ship yesterday? Did it sink or float? Let me know in the comments box! I can’t wait to hear all about it!

Please check in with me to let me know how you are feeling today!


Here are your maths, literacy and health & well-being activities for the day!

26.03.2020 PDF

Don’t forget to log in to Bug Club and/or Sumdog! Just a reminder… when on Bugclub click on the bugs inside the book to answer the questions! After they are completed you can close the book!

Best Wishes,

Miss Wilson


Good Morning Primary 3 Lets Check In!

How are you feeling today? I am a Great   today thanks to Miss D commenting on the blog. Thank you very much it really cheered me up !  I was also pleased to see a few of my class were busy on Sumdog,  Remember everyone, leave a comment in the blog comment box to let me know how you’re doing.

This morning’s challenges are as follows:-Click on the image to enlarge.

Why not log on at 11 o’clock every day  to listen to  David Walliams read one of his short stories.

Elevenses with The World of David Walliams