All posts by Miss Skinner

Word Boost Revision Week

Hi Everyone, hope you are all well. Please find attached this week’s Word Boost. This week we are looking at the last two books ‘Mabel’s Magical Garden’ written by Paula Metcalfe and ‘Hurry up Birthday’ written by Paeony Lewis and Sarah Gill.

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Health and Wellbeing

Morning Everyone, hope you are all well. As we are in another lockdown and are unable to see you all at this time, we would like to share a story with you to support you and your child’s health and wellbeing. Take care and hope to see you all soon.

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Adventure to the Wellbeing Wood with Sid and SHANARRI (Respected)

Good Morning Everyone, hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend, this week’s sway is all about feeling respected.

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