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Litter Picking

Today we were  being responsible citizens and picking up litter in our playground to keep our school tidy. It was a lot of hard work! Can you think of a catchy slogan to tell people to put their litter in the bin?


Today we were learning Swahili which is the native language in Kenya.

What do you think the following means?

–          Jambo.

–          Habari?

–          Nzuri.

–          Hakuna matata

–          Je nita pata pizza?

–          Kwaheri.

5 interesting sentences about our week.

Adam – I had pigs stepping on my toes. I had curry for tea last night it was disgusting. I had chips and they were burnt. My friend drove his remote control car into my leg. I had a horse eating an apple from my hand.

Katie – I played with Caitlyn on the trampoline, I nearly fell off but Amy helped me up. I practised my lines with my mum.  I caught Kai with Caitlyn, that was easy! I had pizza last night and it was yummy. I fell off the trampoline when it was just me and my brother, Andrew.

Rachel – In school we all did mapwork and fill in the countries in Africa, it was very interesting. At Eilidh’s house we started work on our school project. I practiced my assembly dance with my sister and she got really good at it in a wee while. My furry cat was running about mad in the back garden, we think he’s gone crazy. In school, me , Sasha and Zoe went to the cool web committee.