5 interesting sentences about our week.

Adam – I had pigs stepping on my toes. I had curry for tea last night it was disgusting. I had chips and they were burnt. My friend drove his remote control car into my leg. I had a horse eating an apple from my hand.

Katie – I played with Caitlyn on the trampoline, I nearly fell off but Amy helped me up. I practised my lines with my mum.  I caught Kai with Caitlyn, that was easy! I had pizza last night and it was yummy. I fell off the trampoline when it was just me and my brother, Andrew.

Rachel – In school we all did mapwork and fill in the countries in Africa, it was very interesting. At Eilidh’s house we started work on our school project. I practiced my assembly dance with my sister and she got really good at it in a wee while. My furry cat was running about mad in the back garden, we think he’s gone crazy. In school, me , Sasha and Zoe went to the cool web committee.

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