Animal of the week…Cheetah

Melissa has brought in animal of the week. It’s a cheetah!

What do you know about a cheetah?

What questions do you have about a cheetah?

Leave it in  a comment below!

22 thoughts on “Animal of the week…Cheetah”

  1. I know that cheetahs are very fast and I have a question: how fast are they?

    Charlie Houston, Texas

  2. Awwww! That stuffed cheetah is so cute! That is so cool how you guys have animal of the week. We never did that in The Kinkiad School.(In Texas.) Except it sounds like it would be lots of fun!

    P.S. You’re blog is awesome!!!!!

  3. To p4
    I like the animal that you choose for the week.
    I know that cheetahs are fast.
    What do cheetahs eat?
    From Katherine
    Room7 NZ

  4. To P4

    I like your picture of that cute cheetah.
    I know that cheetahs run so fast that I can bearly see them.
    What do cheetahs eat?

    From Victoria
    room7 NZ

  5. To p4

    I know that cheetahs have spots incase they are in trouble they can camuoflage themselves. I also know that cheetahs are the smallest type of cat and they can climb trees.
    What is a cheetahs favourite food?

    Heres a joke for you…….
    Q. Why doesn’t anyone like playing games with cheetahs?

    A. Because they always cheat!

    From Loren

  6. To Melissa
    I know that cheetahs have black and yellow spots so that cheetahs can be camoflagued.
    Do cheetahs eat fish?
    from Aaron

  7. To P4

    It’s interesting how you have an animal of the week. I know that cheetahs can run faster than a car. They live in the plains and the jungle.
    Why is the cheetah fast?

    From Courtney
    room7 vardon

  8. To p4
    Cute cheetah! I love cheetahs!
    I love what you picked for the animal fo the week. I know that they have spots so they can be camaflagued.
    I want to know what their prey is?
    From Megan

  9. To p4

    Your Animal of the week looks cool.
    How fast can a cheetah run?
    Why is the cheetah your animal of the week?

    from Leah

  10. To Melissa.

    That cheetah looks so cute!
    Well done Melissa .
    I know that cheetahs spots help make them camaflague and run really fast. Am I right?

    From Katie.

  11. To P4
    Your cheetah is cute. What is the cheetahs name?

    I know the cheetah lives in the jungle.

    From Kasiti

  12. To p4
    I liked the cute cheetah because it has spots.
    I know cheetahs ran very fast.
    Do cheetahs attack people.
    from Jade

  13. I am Maddie from Houston Texas I really only know that they are the fastest land animal in the world and that babies are called cubs.I have a question that what do cheetahs eat?

  14. I know a whole lot about Cheetahs because my younger sister studied them. I know that cheetahs are the fastest land animal. Also that their babies are called cubs and are very cute. Cheetahs use their body to blend in with the grass. I know a whole lot more, but if I put everything in this comment, than it would take forever to type!

    Katie frome The Kinkaid Lower School in Texas

  15. Dub cheetahs can attack people very bad some peole die cause of cheetahs.Did you know they are faster than a rollercoaster!

  16. I now a fact about a the night the cheater cralls and then kills it and eats it.

  17. A cheetah can reach speeds of over 60 miles an hour but only for aout 30 seconds. They hunt in the day because they run after their prey to catch it. They usually hunt small antelope or the young of other grassland animals. When they catch up with their prey they knock it off balance then killl it. They were once common in Asia as well as Africa but were hunted so much that they are now a rare species. Big cats roar very loudly but they can’t purr.

  18. Cheetahs have 2000 to 3000 spots.

    Cheetahs can reach up to 45 MPH in just two seconds.

    Cheetahs can see up to three miles away.

    Cheetahs weigh 100 to 130 Lbs

    cheetahs Habitat Adapted to savanna or open grassland but also dense woodlands

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