11 thoughts on “Walking in the jungle, what do I see…”

  1. To class p4
    I liked the way you construsted the animals.
    Whats the black bird called.
    From Toby (room 7

  2. To p4
    Wow!!! I like your picture of your animals.
    What was the hardest bit when you made them?

    From Makayla nz

  3. To p4
    I like the three Animals Elephant,snake and bird. What is the birds name? Is it a vulture or hawk What is it? Well done Levi Emily and Tyrese.
    From Ashton (nz)

  4. To Levi, Emily, and Tyrese

    I love the models of African animals.

    What kind of animals are they?

    Is it a hawks, hippo, or a bird?

    by Victoria
    room7 nz

  5. The animals you made are awesome!!! Was it really hard? I think you did a great job on them!!!

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