Laura Watson, Collette MacAllister, Scott Wood, Louise McAdam, Catherine Kerr and Keith Varty – Science Department
On Friday 20th September members of the St Margaret’s Academy Science department ran a workshop which provided our primary colleagues with a variety of practical experiments which they could take back and introduce into some of their science work. There were three different practical stations set up during the workshop one for Chemistry, Biology and Physics. These stations lasted for approximately 20 minutes and provided ideas for work that could be used to cover 3 of the 2nd level science E’s and O’s. These stations also showed how the pupils develop in this area when they carry out their 3rd level work at St Margaret’s Academy.
The Chemistry station provided opportunity to carry out some simple chromatography experiments which can be used to show the separation of mixtures. This station also demonstrated the mixing of nail varnish and water to show that not all liquids can mix. These experiments could be used to help deliver SCN 2-16a – I have participated in practical activities to separate simple mixtures of substances and can relate my findings to my everyday experience.
The Physics station provided the opportunity to make snake charmers. This activity focuses on static electricity and this was then enhanced with the use of the Van de Graph generator. This work can be used to support the delivery of SCN 2-08a – I have collaborated in investigations to compare magnetic, electrostatic and gravitational forces and have explored their practical applications
The Biology station discussed the use of composters to show the use of microorganisms in the decomposition process and also provided the opportunity to prepare slides of cheek cells and onion cells to view under the microscope to observe plant and animal cells. The work at this station can be used to support 2-13a – I have contributed to investigations into the role of microorganisms in producing and breaking down some materials.
The members of staff from St Margaret’s involved in this workshop feel that it was a very successful afternoon and would like to continue to run workshops like these to assist our primary colleagues with any science needs which they may have. It also provided the St Margaret’s staff with a better understanding of the science activities that were carried out in the primaries and the different ways in which these are implemented into the pupils work.
I found the session very useful in gaining an understanding of what the Primary 7 pupils will be doing when they progress.
It was really useful to have the practical experiences and see how they could be used in the Primary class room in delivering the Curriculum for Excellence.
The way that colleagues from St. Margaret’s used their expertise to suggest easily available resources to use in the classroom to bring Science alive was also really helpful.
I look forward to future cluster meetings and sharing equipment to enhance pupil’s learning.
As I teach a Primary 6 class I found this session very useful especially the chemistry demonstration. It was good to know that resources can be borrowed from the High School if needed. The photographs show that all the teachers who attended were interested and that the science department is a stimulating environment for the children.