Bon Anniversaire St Margaret’s Academy

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the opening of St Margaret’s Academy[1], pupils in class 1.1 undertook an interdisciplinary learning project encompassing French and Health & Technology. Miss Williamson (ML) and Mrs Thomson (H&T) joined forces to connect learning across both subjects. In French, pupils translated a cup cake recipe from French into English and followed the French recipe in H&T to make celebratory cup cakes. The cakes were decorated with maroon icing and finished off with an edible topper bearing the school badge. In another lesson pupils created handmade invitations written in French. To round off the project pupils hosted a Tea Party where invited guests including Mr Sharkey, Mrs Laing and Mrs Brennan sampled the baking skills of class 1.1. The event was a great success with pupils asking when they can do this again (and staff no doubt wondering when the cup cakes might appear again!)  Here are some of the comments pupils made about the project:

“I enjoyed the joint classes between French and H&T. The recipe was easy to translate and all the teachers (at the Tea Party) looked like they had fun”.   Calum Duff

“I enjoyed everything. It was fun making the cakes and (working on) the recipes and invitations. I would love to do it again”. Zulaikha Gul

“I enjoyed baking and eating the cup cakes. I found it fun to see many teachers join in the party”. Marielle Beloy

“I enjoyed seeing our French teacher see what we do in another subject”. Courtney Mangan

“I enjoyed everything. It was awesome. Hope we do it again”. Zara Iqbal

[1] St Mary’s and Our Lady’s High Schools merged to form the new St Margaret’s Academy in 1993. St Margaret’s moved to its new building in Livingston in August 1994. The school was officially opened in November 1994.