A HUGE thank you for your food donations!

Thank you for all your generous food donations to our Christmas Food Bank Appeal. Not only did we manage to reach our goal of making a Christmas dinner hamper from each class, we have also collected enough additional food to make another large donation to West Lothian Food Bank. The donations will be taken to the food bank warehouse in Livingston tomorrow and they will be distributed by their team before Christmas.

50th Anniversary

On Tuesday we commemorated the 50th Anniversary of the school. Mass was celebrated at the church and some of the photos show Fr Sebastian thanking all those who attended and participated.

The celebration then continued in the school with refreshments and a trip down memory lane. Many of the photos will still be available to see next week, when we have our Nativity and Concert which will recall the last 5 decades through song.

Anderson Shelter Presentations

Last week we completed our Anderson Shelter project with class talks!


Each talk was individual, very unique and completed to a very high standard!


Here are some photos of the children during their talks!

Also a big well done to Brian who completed the optional homework task of baking a cake using a World War 2 recipe!


Anderson Shelter Homework Project

Take a look at our amazing Anderson air-read shelters!

As part of our Second World War topic, Primary 7 were assigned a seven-week homework project to research, design and create an Anderson air-raid shelter. As you can see, the shelters have been a great success. Next week the children will test their shelters in order to evaluate their designs.

A huge thank you to all the family members who helped their children create these air-raid shelters. The pupils are so proud of their work and it really makes a difference when parents are so involved!

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