Our happy campers have arrived safe and well at Castle Douglas ready for a week of activity! Have fun!
P6 Hockey Festival
Apologies, the date for the Hockey Festival is Thursday 16th February. Sorry for any inconvenience.
A Gardner
P6 Hockey Festival
Primary 6’s who are not going to school camp have been invited along to a Hockey Festival on Wednesday afternoon at Whitburn Community Centre. This is run by West Lothian Active Schools. Please make sure your child has PE kit with them on Wednesday. Thanks.
Down in the Jungle in Nursery
February Break
Just a reminder that the school will break today at 3.05 pm and will resume on Wednesday morning. Have a lovely long weekend.
P6 and 7 pupils will be leaving on the morning of Wednesday 15th to go to camp and will return at lunchtime on Friday 17th. We are all looking forward to an enjoyable time and the challenges we will undertake.
Suits of Armour
Primary 6W were very busy this afternoon. We had our very own production line going on and everyone had their own job to do. Some people were making the outside walls for our castle, some were making panels for our chairs to turn them all into thrones, others were painting wooden panels for the great hall and some were building chains for the draw bridge. We can’t wait to see the finished results!
P1 Sewing…….next steps!
Models of the Whirry Bang in p1
In technology Primary 1 used butter tubs to make models of the ‘whirry bang’ which is Hamish McHaggis’ car.
Internet Safety
Today is Internet Safety day so Primary 6W have been learning about how to stay safe online. We had some fantastic discussions about using the Internet and Social Media and about keeping ourselves safe. We looked at how easy it was to make changes pictures and to make them look real. We also acted out some positive and negative scenarios.