Primary 1, 1/2 and 2’s Science Morning

With Mrs Preston, the children were investigating which materials are waterproof.  They separated them into ‘waterproof’ and ‘not waterproof’ categories. The children learned about making our investigation a fair test and learned that not waterproof materials soak up water and waterproof materials push water away! It’s was a very fun morning! Emma told us it was the most fun ever!!

What a Week in P4

This week in P4 we have been learning:

  • how to use speech marks in our writing
  • new spelling words with the spelling pattern ‘o e’ and ‘th’
  • about different types of rocks
  • how to make a clay ‘cave’

Please note, Monday 27th March is our showcase evening. Come and find out about cave-formation and more…

Working our socks off in P6!

Primary 6 have been working exceptionally hard over the past few weeks!

We have been learning to add and subtract 3, 4 and 5 digit numbers within numeracy! We’ve found that using whiteboards have helped us lots when trying to solve problems in our maths groups!

We have also been writing some fantastic imaginative stories which have included “An Invasion” and “The Castle of Horror”

To add to this we have been learning about change this week in science especially with solids, Liquids and gases! We’ve created some fabulous posters!

As well as this we have continued to do lots of activities within our Magic Castle topic! We have been preparing for our Showcase on Monday evening and look forward to seeing you all then!  ò

Primary 4/5 classroom becomes a shipyard

This afternoon, Primary 4/5 were very busy designing  ‘unsinkable’ boats.  We were each given a 2l bottle (boat), 2 bottle ends (bulk heads) and enough weights to half submerge our boat in the water. We had to work together in our groups to find the best place for our watertight compartments and the best distribuation of weight.


Every group had to ensure that their boat was level in the water with the bottle top half submerged.  When our hull was breached (bottle lid removed), we used ipads to time how long it took our ship to sink.  Our results showed that ships sink faster with no bulkheads.  We also discovered that if the there were too many weights at one end of the boat, it caused our breaced hull to rise above the water level giving us false results.

One group discovered that placing the bulkheads at either end of the ship with the weight evenly distributed was the most effective in allowing our boat to stay afloat.


School Meals

We have been advised by West Lothian Council that a threshold of £20.00 has been set for everyone for online meal ordering. You will no longer be able to order meals unless your account has sufficient credit. When the £20.00 ‘debt’ limit is reached the parent must make an online payment before they can order any more meals. Children will still be able to order in class where cash payment can be made.

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