The after school football club will resume at 3.15 pm on August 31st.
St Joseph’s Dance Club
SMK Dance club will resume on Tuesday 5th September at 8.15 am. The club is currently at capacity but more applications will be taken when spaces become available.
Multisports Club
New Session
Welcome back. We are all looking forward to seeing you and hearing all of your news. School begins at the normal time tomorrow. Breakfast club will be on as usual. Can you please line up in the playground and the teachers will come and collect you. P3 pupils will be in the middle area playground and will line up beside the P4-7 pupils after every break. We have a busy term planned for you with great learning opportunities. Our classes structure this year will be:-
Nursery Mrs Kerr, Mrs Mitchinson and Mrs Morton
P1 Mrs Warner
P1/2 Mrs Cree
P2 Miss McLachlan
P3 Mr Benyon
P4 Mrs Strain
P5 Miss Graham and Mr Neale
P6 Mrs Ward and Miss Ross
P7 Miss Duffy and Miss Miss Mc Cullagh
P1/2 In the Garden Again!
So much to do! Everything keeps growing!! Looking better already!
Golf the P1/2 Open!
Our health week allowed us the opportunity to try golf.
The expert coaching of Macrina had P1/2 swing to success!
Sports Day
We will attempt to have Sports Day on Monday, weather permitting. Children should come to school in their sports clothes. Thank you.
What a Week in P4
This week in P4 we have been learning:
- about healthy eating and staying healthy
- new spelling words with the sounds ‘y’ and ‘wr’
- about the place value of digits in three-digit numbers
- about 3D shapes and their properties
Arrival Time
We should arrive home from Belfast a little ahead of schedule at 12:30. The children are all very tired but they’ve had a great day!
Fantastic time had by all at the Titanic Museum. We were complimented by staff and members of the public for the outstanding behaviour and manners of the children. Super day. Well done boys and girls. 😊