Lego Club – Christmas Builds

The Christmas builds at Lego Club are up and running! Our members had to work particularly well together last week to co-construct a reindeer and some holly WITHOUT instructions! They used their observation skills and knowledge of the bricks when looking at the model photograph and jointly built different sections of the reindeer. They guided each other, gave feedback and even evaluated the build before making improvements. It was a great team effort!

This week in P7/6

This week we:

  • looked at ways to multiply 2 digit numbers mentally
  • acted out the scene we had created from our class novel, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
  • wrote the final draft of  our acrostic poem
  • delivered presentations to the class on the building of our Anderson shelters, and
  • started to make items to sell at our Christmas Fayre.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Lauder

What we have been doing in the nursery this week..

Some of the boys and girls have been exploring ice this week, They brought ice in from the outdoor learning area and watched it melt, they then measured how much water the ice had turned into using a jug they were then able to identify that the ice had turned into half a jug of water. The boys and girls then decided they would re-freeze the ice by putting it in the freezer because “The freezer is colder than the fridge”. Some other boys and girls have been discussing who is taller. We measured the boys and girls to discover who was the tallest. We have also been on walks this week and discovered seasonal changes.
What a great week at St Joseph’s!

What the nursery have been doing this week..

The nursery boys and girls voted for their book of the week! They voted for The Disgusting Sandwich (YUCK) the children have explored and recreated the sandwich from the story then they created their own sandwiches using ingredients they used in their sandwich recipes! The children loved exploring the textures smells and tastes of the sandwiches and even found lots of shapes within the ingredients! We even went on a walk to the park to look for the disgusting sandwich – But no sandwich was found! “The mouse must have already got it!”
Outdoors the children were investigating ice and realised that ice was see-through, melted to water and when it hit the floor it broke into lots of different pieces which then represented shapes! Some boys and girls were mark making in the frost too!
What a great week St Joseph’s Nursery!

This week in P7/6

This week in class we:

– discussed and applied addition strategies in maths,

– learned how to classify invertebrates in science,

– wrote a fact-file on the Clydebank Blitz during World War II,

– built bridges  as part of a Halloween STEM challenge, and

– led our school All Saints Day Mass.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Lauder.




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